Why I left/am leaving TW

digging up personal info and trolling people outside of tw is a pretty shitty use of time. but i think there are far worse such as:

working at toys r us, playing WoW, smoking meth, or doing real policy shit
if you're genuinely frightened of someone you know seeing things you've said here, then you should probably stop posting, i guess. or, just stop saying shit online that could be traced back to you - nexters or not - that could get you into this perceived "trouble."

what you do/say at home is your own business anyway, so why would an employer have anything to say about it? and who cares if there's some awkward moment after someone reads your shit? there's no reason to feel awkward about anything, you're an adult, you're a good person, just laugh it off and continue living your life. who gives a shit?

again. please re-read what i wrote. its not that big a deal. people where i work understand everything your second paragraph. its a big reason why i work where i work. its not damning or eat-your-gun-embarassing, its just not always worth it. cost/benefit homey. i'll risk property and freedom on some things, but wont even risk an awkward conversation for others. im just outlining that it puts on a constraint that doesn't help tribalwar.

again thats anecdotal, so step back and think of it more generally. this effect would be greater for some, less for others, and the people on your side of the thread are doing the "I am unexposed, so i have no fear" or are doing the "i dont fucking care if anyone knows". not everyone is in those 2 boats. to post on tribalwar should you have to be?
hmm I only have one pic and that was with locke

and the beaker one
alright, this is the last thing I'll say about it

look at the list of people who have been nexted

do you regret having any of those people leave the forum?

the only debatable poster on that list is Kurayami, but about 50% or more of the TW user base will tell you they're glad he's gone (i'm not one of them).

if you ask me, that's a pretty solid statistic.

tribalwar is like the free market, in theory. give it enough time, and the problems will fix themselves - governance or not.
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Nexting is pretty lame, but jm5k is a pretty huge douche.

The fact that he's a fat nerd loser who attended SENECA is hilarious. :lol: I thought most fat nerd losers at least went to university, the more you know.