Why does everyone have to be a Democrat or a Republican?

Obama/Biden were supposed to unify the USA and it didn't work. For a few days everyone was happy. They had 8 years of white people playing along, there's more racism than ever, and it's coming from the blacks who want more free stuff and riot any time a white officer shoots a black person. At the same time Obama was importing thousands of Somalia refugees while giving billions of money to Iran. Obamacare caused health care rates to skyrocket while he promised they would be less. Many people lost their doctor and plan. The trade deals under Obama were terrible, and that's why Trump ran for office, because he couldn't stand what China was doing to the USA. All of that changed, Trump imposed tariffs, and they are working. China does the same thing back, but guess what, the USA wins because the deals of the past were so bad, China has no choice but to negotiate. On top of that, the USA knows how bad China products are and Americans try to avoid buying them when possible.

Now the families at the top are pushing for a Marxist government while using BLM as a shield. There's videos in other threads proving this with the co-founder of BLM saying they follow Marxist principles. Trump doesn't want any of it. He's the only push back we have. What the left wants is Russia, proven over and over that it doesn't work.

That's a big difference between left and right.
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Not really. I make 6 figures, have medical benefits, all my debts are paid off, daughter made it through college with no debt, owns a 10 acre farm west of Ocala. It may not be rich, but it's more than at the bottom.

It's the business model that put everyone in a cube farm, because they want to save money on office space. Now I'm working at home and that's going to continue since Covid came back.

The people Vanster is talking about, work a trade job. They didn't make it through college. It's all the blacks who don't understand that to get a good job, you need good grades in high school and a college degree.

Good Point Mc Hamster. I can see giving up some money to help those in need. It's how Medicare was started. The problem with this, is no matter how much is given, it's never enough. Those people become slaves to government, quit working, and live off the system.
At your age in IT if you weren't making 6 figures 10+ years ago...

Then again I realize you are a pik developer. I worked with people who programmed in an outdated language and they become very comfortable just waiting for retirement.
everyone isn't a democrat or republican, the news/tw just paints it that way because it's part of the product, and the product is for the type of people that identify that way. most people you talk to in real life don't really gaf about demoncrap or pubbertard. don't base your opinion of america on tw.

also due to the weird status of religion in this country, reinforced by the history of segregation (where in e.g. europe it was uniform across populations and thus died out uniformly) there is still a lot of 1600s style pseudo-religious conflict here. which means for the 15% or so who drink the koolaid, every non-believer is literally a demon (or racist) whose intent is soley to make things worse for everyone else.

also i mean this completely seriously and am not bullying you: americans do not give a fuck what you think about our politics and culture and if we want your opinion we will ask you. we do not think anything about the politics and culture of (whatever place you are from) unless we are going on vacation there. most people here do not realize other countries exist 360 days out of the year. you should not spend your time trying to have opinions about america, because america has no use whatsoever for those opinions.
Serious question

my simple answer


At your age in IT if you weren't making 6 figures 10+ years ago...

Then again I realize you are a pik developer. I worked with people who programmed in an outdated language and they become very comfortable just waiting for retirement.
Right, because I'm frugal, and the crap most people chase doesn't interest me. I have no desire for a boat, a house filled with fancy artifacts, or a super elite sports car. I play in a band, and go on roller coaster trips when possible. I exercise and go to happy hour with a co-worker. Real simple.

And that's the issue with the blacks. They want all that fancy stuff I just mentioned, but they want the government to pay for it. They're always jealous at whites for having a sports car, a nice big house in a gated community with no drive by shootings, and a boat. They will always want more. They basically want everything flipped. The problem is, what the government pays is not enough to get those things. And even when the black girls have 10 kids and the EBT card, they blow the money and end up broke. Why? Because the kids eventually grow up and end up in jail if they are male, which ends the EBT cards. The underclass is always going to be pissed, and the dems know this, so they blame the right and keep promising the world. Everything is free, your house (AOC), college (Bernie), health care (Bernie), job (affirmative action), day care (EBT Cards). But that won't cover all the fancy stuff.

I'm down here in South Florida, and all they talk about on the news is how food is going to be distributed from the grade schools. The main task of public schools is feeding the kids who can't afford it. Yeah, they're giving out laptops and learning from home, but the thing they always talk about is food distribution. When I went to grade school, you brought a dollar and change for lunch, and that was it. Today, public schools are distributing multiple meals each day.
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Not going to answer for Mitch here, but I'm guessing his case is vaguely similar. Trump is the President of what for now at least is still arguably the most dominant country on the planet ( ;) ). He's an important figure on the global stage. He's also an amazing source of news beside that, simply in that he comes out with some amazingly weird shit at times. The guy's a walking headline.

Now.. all that said, it's not like anyone goes around obsessing over him 24/7. Well maybe some do, but I'm certainly not one of them. There is however, a very vocal group of big fans in this place, and for myself at least, it's occasionally interesting to look at that perspective and try to understand what makes it tick. To me, the guy's practically the embodiment of "things that are wrong about America" (and, no I don't hate the place in the slightest - there's a lot *right* about America, and the vast majority of the Americans I've met over the years.) I'm curious about what those that supported him (and continue to do so) see that I'm missing, and how much of that is failings on their side or my own. So every now and then, I pop in to this otherwise largely empty wilderness that Tribalwar has become to see what's doing for a few minutes.

That generally winds up with a handful of trolls and idiots taking things way out of proportion and a bunch of neg reps with death threats, and me generally wondering why I bother and wandering away again, only for my curiosity to eventually win out and pop back in for a bit until it all starts again.


When people start with and spend four years arguing that he's a tiny handed, racist, sexist, xenophobic, Hitlerian facist dictator who is going to start nuclear war if we don't jail him fast enough for working with a foreign government to rig an election, you sort of stop thinking that they're capable of having a reasonable, rational discussion on policy even when you occasionally agree.

It's really not even complicated either if Democrats would have even the teensiest amount of introspection. Hillary was divisive and unlikable, ignored the Rust Belt's issues after Obama did too for 8 years, people prefer to vote for the more perceived outsider candidate, and we live in a digital culture now where if media outlets blatantly lie or carry water for a candidate they're caught within minutes. That's it. Nothing to do with racism, sexism, fascism, or any other ism. I think I've seen more histrionics in the last 3 years than the rest of my life combined.
I think I've seen more histrionics in the last 3 years than the rest of my life combined.

I guess it's really painful and messes with the hormones. Hope and prayers. Blankets and cocoa. Pour one out for the lost uterii.
tbh you must've been asleep for obama, christ the tears never stopped about him being a "socialist". hitlerbush was a pretty common epithet too.
Mitch, this is by far the biggest plague in America. The Two party illusion is the biggest fraud ever.

Not really..American's are not really that fooled by the 2 sides of the same coin struggle for more money and power. We are just too lazy and complacent with whats already there. That and the media squelches out anything not paid for heavily.
tbh you must've been asleep for obama, christ the tears never stopped about him being a "socialist". hitlerbush was a pretty common epithet too.

A fair assessment, though we lacked the social media saturation in those days too. I don't recall the news being 95% complaints. I don't recall every late night joke being nothing but cracks at Obama. I don't recall all of Hollywood lambasting him at every opportunity. Every propaganda piece wasn't at the top of Digg, Reddit, trending on Twitter, or Facebook. Cities didn't burn because he was elected, there weren't marches and protests prior to Obama even moving in.

If you're going to make the case that people are not being more melodramatic at this time in history than during Obama and Bush, I'm going to say you're not being honest.
again, Donald Trump is NOT a republican, and no one here thinks he is infallible. i don't understand where you people get that from. I'm pretty sure every person that claims to be a Trump supporter on this site has called him out before on things they didn't like that he did. we've tried to tell people like you over and over again why we voted for him, not because he is perfect (lol) and not because he is a republican (he's not). how do you NOT get this?

Just going to repost havax because I agree.

I haven't considered myself Repub or Dem.
Most of my life I've tried to vote for the one that said
they'd get us out of the war we're always in... That means most of the time I've voted for the loser or third party. I've been a National Democratic Capitalist my whole life. I voted Obama the first time because he said he'd end the war....
I voted President Trump because he rang the bell of Nationalism and talked about bringing home the troops.

Which one do you think has come closer to fulfilling my wish? Let's just say I didn't vote Obama the 2nd time and I will vote Trump for a 2nd term.

Besides, there is this you might want to consider...

A fair assessment, though we lacked the social media saturation in those days too. I don't recall the news being 95% complaints. I don't recall every late night joke being nothing but cracks at Obama. I don't recall all of Hollywood lambasting him at every opportunity. Every propaganda piece wasn't at the top of Digg, Reddit, trending on Twitter, or Facebook. Cities didn't burn because he was elected, there weren't marches and protests prior to Obama even moving in.

If you're going to make the case that people are not being more melodramatic at this time in history than during Obama and Bush, I'm going to say you're not being honest.

people are more melodramatic about everything in 2020 than they were in 2015. and the media was still liberal then as it is now so you had to go looking for the tears of anguish, either by flipping to fox or logging onto tribalwar.com. celebrity opinions didn't dominate the mediaspace the same way they do now.

if you're going to make a definitive statement about something as unmeasurable as "how melodramatic people are being", i'm going to say you're not even attempting to be rational.
any time i tell ppl i own guns they immediately start bashing on how im a republican lol

The 2nd amendment is a bipartisan issue. I know plenty of democrats that own guns. But they don’t place the same value of protecting the 2nd amendment as conservatives, or they are too stupid to recognize the democrats lust for taking their gun rights away.