[TribalWarrior on Sci-Fi] Gameshow starts tonight (Tues/Mar10) @ 9cst/10est plzwatch!

I like the format.

Bottom ranked person has to face off against the person the top ranked person chooses.
I missed the first 30 minutes. :( Thankfully there are reruns to tivo. The guy with the contacts looks like a loser.
There's way too many women on this show to accurately reflect gamer population.
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Hahaha, that would be fucking awesome

that swoozie seems like a punk-bitch now, taking up that "ALLIANCE"

good stuff sp, from the few clips they showed of the isolation challenge, it looked like you were the only one hitting the notes (on what seemed to be a slow-response HDTV)
Wow, Athena got old and fat.

I remember when she used to be hot back in the day. Didn't she use to date Ksharp? There were also nudes posted of her on gotfrag - nice rack.

Years ago, my team scrimmed against her "all-star" girl 1.6 team and slaughtered them :lol:.

There are only a couple people on that show who are retarded good. Unfortunately, that gay contact guy is one of them. Why that moron didn't put StarSlay3r up against him is beyond me. Prod1gy X is one of the biggest threats in the house and the dude picks the frat boy to go. That will come back to bite all of you in the ass.
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