


common cold.
Thailand 'not able to stop the spread' of coronavirus

Thailand’s health ministry has confirmed 14 cases of coronavirus, the second most in any country behind China. China has more than 4,500 confirmed cases of the virus, mostly in the city of Wuhan, where the virus began. More than 100 Chinese people have died from the disease.

Thailand health minister Anutin Charnvirakul said on Tuesday that the government is “not able to stop the spread” of coronavirus in the country, according to Sky News. The Thai government estimates that about 22,000 tourists from Wuhan visited the country in January, possibly exposing vast numbers of people to the virus.
Will be interesting to see what, if anything, comes of this in the coming days.
Dude holy shit seriously wtf. That has to be a bio weapon

Edit: where's the date on that pic, I can't find it on his Twitter
Because it keeps getting removed. No one can seem to find it anywhere else so the theory is this is current. Where though, we dont know. The Hong Kong Protest is throwing a lot of people off but the Chicoms are busy scrubbing everything they can.
just updated

an hour ago, 69 critical in Hubei province with 76 dead. it is now 127 critical and 100 dead in the same province.

There are currently 4,295 confirmed cases worldwide, including 106 fatalities

Currently 5,572 confirmed cases worldwide, including 131 deaths.

228 critical in Hubei province with 125 dead. Almost doubled the critical cases from yesterday.

While I am personally not too concerned with this getting out of control, I am more concerned with the people freaking the fuck out and everyone rushing to the stores to buy everything they can. The people freaking out can cause more of an issue than the virus but it's still pretty early.
i've got a token for 2 free drinks at the local dive bar and doordash getting me some chinese food i think i'll be just fine

So, if you get this thing, i'm guessing many recover?
i mean, do some people just go, 'ah, that wasn't so bad, k back to work and eating...'
How long are people taking to get over this?
(asking for a friend)
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it depends.

if you are a young, healthy, working adult, cornovirus isn't worse than a bad burrito or some bad shrimp. if you are a boomer, i hope you have a will ready.
thank god "obama" supreme court make america gay again legalized a man's husband being considered an heir and benefactor. the gay commonlaw marriage boomers have nothing to worry about.
So, if you get this thing, i'm guessing many recover?
i mean, do some people just go, 'ah, that wasn't so bad, k back to work and eating...'
How long are people taking to get over this?
(asking for a friend)

No one really knows yet since there have only been a few confirmed cases outside of China so far (and no one trusts the info coming from China).

The worst-case scenario that I've seen is that people don't even get symptoms (like a fever) until they develop a terrible lung infection, which turns into pneumonia and kills them (all those bloody images you keep seeing pop up around the internet) unless they're super healthy and seek proper treatment ASAP.

The problem is getting "proper treatment" when all the hospitals are overloaded because the virus seems to spread so fast. :worried: