ive noticed the pure breds are more mentally fucked then mutts. my purebred dobie from that tat had all kinds of issues. like being scared of the water bubbles in a water thing :lol: or trying to fuck the cat :lol:
my mix is crazy, if I leave for ten seconds she goes insane but she has the face of an angel


NBC33 News: 92 dogs abandoned along country roads in Denton County, Texas over two nights goshin Denton county sounds like a shithole
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Congratulations on adding these animals to your family unit. They look nice enough.

On the other hand....WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT GROWTH ON YOUR FACE??? Do females find stringie chin beards attractive now?
congratulations on bringing 3 dogs home

i feel sorry for the one on the left, though. i mean really? making it dress up in clothing and carry your purse around? just cruel.
I have to watch 4 dogs for the next two weeks while their owners are in Europe. Excited to be around pups but 4 dogs is a lot of work