[OMG] Another mass shoo......ah never mind.

The rest of the first world disagrees.

The rest of the first world is incorrect and has the completely wrong relationship with their government.

Why do you think a government would want to ban a firearm that is easy to use, affordable, effective and yet is not the the predominate firearm of choice to be used in a crime or to cause death.
Juggs v the civilised world. Bit of an unfair fight.

There you go Juggs, I've set it up for ya, just smash it over the net :rofl:
I don't see what people like midge are getting wound up about. While she has downs, she doesn't appear to have "serious" downs. Most people i've seen with downs are usually really fucked up in the face, mostly eyes and overweight. She's got her shit together enough to know she wants to be a model, looks fairly normal, though you can see something is a little off with her, she takes care of herself physically. So she should be celibate and nobody find her attractive because she has downs?

Fuck that, she's not terrible looking, I'd do it.
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Lets leadoff with a 70+ obese adult who wants to fuck a girl 21 year old with downs syndrome: if that guy can buy guns, any drooling fuckwit can, thats why america is awesome? Jalapeno poppers and chicken tendies aside, maybe a person who wants to take advantage of a mentally ill person for sex shouldnt be considered normal, what the fuck?? This a Florida thing?
but 2nd A drooool
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This guy is wondering how often he'll have to reload a fucking laser weapon. That's the level of intelligence I have to deal with in here.

actually, he is 100% correct and you are the one showing lack of intelligence.

directed energy weapons like a laser (or HPM) require a power source. That power source is never infinite - even if its sitting on a nuclear-powered ship. This is because of the way it is collected, stored, and emitted. 15kw lasers are out there now. 50kw are being prototyped. even higher ones are being researched.

You never reload a laser weapon...but you do recharge. That is why it isn't a direct replacement for kinetic interceptors....the laser isn't a 100% solution.

Since he said capacity, that is an accurate statement. You are the one who said reload, which is 100% inaccurate so you again show you are full of shit.
There are always outliers. Yale is probably a clue. You ever feel like they have you surrounded?
It used to be mostly toothless rednecks and slack jawed yokels, which you can get used to. Then Donald Trump came to town. Then the swarm and swamp critters. Mr. DeSantis is now competing for Tard Coddler in Chief
actually, he is 100% correct and you are the one showing lack of intelligence.

directed energy weapons like a laser (or HPM) require a power source. That power source is never infinite - even if its sitting on a nuclear-powered ship. This is because of the way it is collected, stored, and emitted. 15kw lasers are out there now. 50kw are being prototyped. even higher ones are being researched.

You never reload a laser weapon...but you do recharge. That is why it isn't a direct replacement for kinetic interceptors....the laser isn't a 100% solution.

Since he said capacity, that is an accurate statement. You are the one who said reload, which is 100% inaccurate so you again show you are full of shit.

I work on industrial lasers, the idea of using it as a long range weapon is crazy to me. the sophistication required to keep the beam collimated over a distance like that to still pack a lethal punch must be insane.
It used to be mostly toothless rednecks and slack jawed yokels, which you can get used to. Then Donald Trump came to town.

At the time they were clamoring for one, he gave the chumps a King.

This oaf, of cavernous stupidity, let them know it was okay to be racist, it was okay to hate the less-fortunate, and that a government of, by, and for the people was a myth. "It's us against them," he huffed so many times. He told them their feelings were the truth, evidence or not. Two years on, and people that voted for him are repeating The Big Lie, with zero evidence supporting it.


This kind of blind-partisan ridiculousness wasn't seen in America supporting any political figure since Joe McCarthy. Ask these people what the Secretary of State does, or even who the Secretary of State is, and they don't know. Ask them about the bill of rights, what the 4th amendment says, or how a bill becomes a law, and they don't know. They know they mad as hell at these got-damned libruls, and they ain't fraid to speak up now. They done held they tungs way long nuff, and they want they country back, dagnabbit.


This kind of thing won't be going away until bigots are afraid again.