[Official] The Green Room

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ugg i hear ya ...i always hated when the Mexicans did not trench to the right place or whatever it may be and me the electrician would have to do it
i haven't smokd since friday because i have to take a piss test for my new job. Think I'll pass? :lol: My manager (for the new job) bought me some drink to chug beforehand.

So here is a question. Do these drinks actual flush the THC completly out of my system or does it just mask it for a certain amount of time?
I'll stick to cannabis, thanks. I have heard that people do get high from some of those, but real pot is cheaper for me, plus I know exactly what I'm smoking. :sunny:
These fruit in wood chips in the Pac NW in the fall:


And they are very, very potent, and retain most of their potency for about a year.

shrooms over bud any day.
i've been googleing shrooms for a couple of days now. what is it like during the trip?

I'm sure someone has already replied, but I thought I'd just like to relate my experience of tripping.

I've tripped on psychedelic mushrooms on several different occasions but I have never dosed to the point in which I was seeing crazy shit that wasn't there. Visual effects have been pretty much limited to walls and curtains looking like they're breathing in and out or waving in a breeze. Spiral patterns seem to twist a bit.

My friends claim that if I just increase my dose I will start experience hallucinations of things that aren't there. I'm not sure I believe them. I haven't really had any desire to go beyond what I normally dose.

The thing I love about mushrooms isn't the visuals or potential hallucinations; it's the feeling I get, like an intense body high. My head feels light, and strangely my thoughts seem more clear, unlike clouded or suffocated feeling I've experience with THC. My torso seems to tighten up a little and I get this intense feeling like something completely fucking amazing is on the verge of happening at any instant. This feeling lasts for 2-3 hours. I suspect that sex while tripping would be a pleasurable experience, but I yet to have the foresight to dose before the antics begin.

Humor seems to be intensified when I'm tripping. I could sit through a video of some stand-up while sober and maybe get a few chuckles out of the show. But when I'm tripping while watching the same show I will be shedding tears from laughing so hard. I wouldn't describe it as dumbing me down (to the point where stupid shit seems funny), but as an enhancement of my unconscious ability to see correlations in things that are funny, like understanding the humor on different levels.

Over all, for me, it is a very pleasurable experience that I would recommend to anyone. I've never had a "bad trip". I think negative and positive experience while tripping have to do with the state of mind you have when you decide to engage. I alway go into it happy and excited cause I know it's fun. It seems to work for me. Your experience is what you make of it.
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