Team America: Death Comes (Kim Jong Un)

yea i read that too brass
fell over and needed an emergency stint put in while looking at some bs town before the big celebration
surgeon isnt used to big fat obese fatties since everyone is starving, AND is terrified of fucking up cuz his whole family will get blown away by mortars and flak cannons, so he goes a little slower than he should have. No oxygen to brain for a bit
boom fattie dead
If chaos breaks out in NK, China will have a massive refugee problem.

It's an unknown how bad NK has the China Virus. They probably have a bad, and it wont be as effected by seasonality like other places since NK is dry and cold. So if China gets a flood of NKs, good chance it will cause a resurgence on top of the refugee problem.

Chaos would make it extremely easy for the US to amp up it's presence in the region, which will fuck with China, but Trump might not do that unless SK offers us a lot of money for it. Either way, this is advantageous for America and a nightmare for China.
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China controls NK. It is only there as a buffer between China and SK. We have 15 military bases in SK. Whatever China wants to do is what is going to happen. Nks are not heading into China if China doesn't want that.
fuck china let's tell them what 2 do w/ some nukular arms :flag:

it is a winning strategery that can't go wrong

u kno it

i kno it

the american ppl kno it
If NK breaks out into civil war with different domestic factions fighting it will be an asian Afghanistan. China can't exert control over what happens in NK as easily with no leadership. Most border protection between China and NK is on the NK side. If China wanted to do something with the border they'd have to mobilize a ton of people there and start shooting people on sight, which China would do, but the whole world would give them shit for it.

As I understand it now, lots of NKs do enter China if they do escape because it's much more easy than to enter SK directly. All China does for this is send around secret police to arrest them and send them back. That's the only buffer China has in place right now. Either way it's going to be a disaster for China with the weak border and having to court all these different factions in NK.

None of this may happen if Kim had a solid plan in place to hand things over to his sister, which he may not have even done since he was just 36 years old.
Well, when it comes to giving it to a sister - you are the TW expert. Gotta give you that one.

And sorry for the zinger ;)
Was it the domestic civil war, the asian afghanistan, or both that did it for you?
We know what Reggs means. The actual Afghanistan is already Asian; but in the US, we typically associate the adjective Asian with the Mongoloid race, which would just be the Eastern part of Asia land-wise. He should have said "East Asian Afghanistan" to appease the grammar Nazis.
I am sure everyone is familiar with LLCs right? NK is like a Chinese LLC. If they want to let a war go on, they will. If they want to stop a war, they will.
He's fine
As soon as I heard this, I thought of it as an attempt by china to shore up NK against further US influence amidst the pandemic. It was an assassination by chinese doctors.
Even if he's okay, no one will ever know what happened.

Maybe he did have a heart attack and emergency surgery.

Maybe he disappeared himself so that if he died sometime in the future, everyone would be much more content to wait for confirmation while his sister gets all her ducks in a row.
Maybe he just got GoT and binged watched every episode. Prepare for nukes if he made it to the last season.