Bernie is a Jew.... Know who else are Jews? Bankers, the media, all Jews..... Jews protect other Jews.
88% Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders Democratic
on domestic policy, foreign policy, economic, social, environmental, education, healthcare, and science issues.

78% Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton Democratic
on foreign policy, environmental, immigration, social, healthcare, and science issues.

74% Rand Paul
Rand Paul Republican
on domestic policy, foreign policy, and electoral issues.

66% Donald Trump
Donald Trump Republican
on foreign policy, environmental, electoral, and criminal issues.

58% Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz Republican
on immigration, healthcare, science, electoral, and criminal issues.

57% Jeb Bush
Jeb Bush Republican
on immigration, environmental, healthcare, science, and criminal issues.

56% Ben Carson
Ben Carson Republican
on immigration, social, science, and electoral issues.


Hillary seems too fake for me to support, so my 2nd choice goes to Trump. (Rand has a 0% chance of winning, sorry)
Final Iowa poll is out.

Trump: 28%
Cruz: 23%
Rubio: 15%
Carson: 10%
Paul: 5%
Christie: 3%
Everyone else 2%

Democrat side is neck and neck.

45% Clinton
42% Sanders
3% the guy who taxes rain.
I will tell you what

As much as I detest the average Bernie supporter

I will back off the old Jew until he wins the primary against the real cunt Hitlary

Since that is never giving to happen, I hate her one million times more, I might as well save my frustrations
Bernie is honest and actually a good man who stands up for his principles. That being said he believes more government is the only way to go and that is why I can never support him. When you have a bunch of crooked dysfunctional people as the base of your system, adding more layers and power will only grow the same smelly shit and there is no way Bernie could control it.

Also goshin is an idiot. A wanna be hipster who like a lot of leftists whine about Bush then support Obama who keeps the bad laws like Patriot Act alive if not progressing it. Obama is leaving office with US in a very bad spot and Bernie would make it even worse.
I still dont understand why the media and Bernie himself claim he is a socialist. Not once have i heard him say anything about creating a central planning dept and the removal of all property rights and control over the means of production throughout this once great nation.

Fucking guy is a fraud, preying on the retarded younger generation.

Pretty sure he classifies himself as a democratic socialist and associates himself with FDR.
Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind only the slime of a new bureaucracy - Franz Kafka

Sent from *Magic Device* with TapaTalk 4.9.5
When I take the survey at, it says that I should vote for Bernie (followed by Rand and Hillary)
I really didn't expect this, because my answers were along the lines of: I want as many rights as possible; Leave me alone; Don't give out free stuff; Don't do illegal immigrants any favors.

Since being left alone and having as many rights as possible are my top priorities, then I guess I'm voting for Bernie.

You cant have it both ways.

The more massive the gvt, the less power you as an individual have.

Socialism / Communism doesnt believe in individual Rights. Left wing ideology is also the greatest mass murderer of the 20th century. :reaper:
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I don't think the free college and health care are such a big deal. Insurance companies are scummy and tuition rates are exploding. How much does the average soldier cost? $800,000 a year for deployment + G.I college, + free healthcare, + pension, etc. I cite the military as the massive inflamed haemorrhoid on the ass of the American economy.

The right to the pursuit of happiness also entails being healthy, correct? Most bankruptcies occur because of medical bills. Getting rid of that burden frees the average citizen to move freely between careers and allows businesses to focus on creating their product instead of filing insurance forms.

It'd be nice to have a problem, go to the hospital, pay the co-payment, and get the problem solved.

A little state planning and assistance might go a long way to improving the health of the average citizen and allow them to be more economically productive. Healthy educated adults might actually be good for the economy, y'know?

Besides the free college/healthcare counterpoints what are the other sticking issues with Bernie? Busting up the big banks? Reducing the war on drugs?

The man's not a communist that's going to force massive population relocations - o wait, that's Trump.

It looks to me like out of the shit selection of candidates this year,

GOP is either Trump or Cruz
DNP is either Hillary or Sanders

I'd love to see Rand Paul take the nomination and actually support state power in managing their own affairs and leave the federal government to deal with international issues alone - but that shit ain't gonna happen.

Ideally, each state is in charge of its own internal affairs and is free to pursue a liberal or conservative strategy in terms of healthcare or education - and if you don't like your states' management - move to a different one.

The federal government is fucked up in the way that its policies are one-size-fits all but whatever, I'll take a consistent politician over a ragging bitch or a fake evangelical or a self important cult persona.
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Whatever the English say to do, do the opposite.


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