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  1. T

    why is muck so mad about stem autist?

    Prob he fail calculus right? ps i have asperger not autism
  2. T

    fuk dont play w/ ur balls after cutting chilis

    gg habanero
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    I'm beyond winning

    I just want to express myself
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    Best way to learn Mandarin

    Hi I want to learn Mandarin so I can escape evil police state america. ATM I have a long commute so some kind of audio program would be nice. I also saw a listing for a Mandarin tutor on craigslist. I can get a copy of Rosetta stone fairly easily as well. Which is best / other suggestions...
  5. T

    Keep your cash in divorce

    Hi my friend wants to divorce his ugly wife he married for god knows what reason I've seen him fuck some hot bitches and apparantly he has an injury from childhood where fluid drains into his dick and its rly big dont ask me ok. He has a lot of cash and is about to take a signing bonus at a new...
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    Men who built america

    fuck this show is redundant
  7. T

    Why not study economics?

    It seems like everyone is very concerned about economic issues all the time. Yet most people will graduate college having never taken a course in the subject, all the while caring deeply about economic issues. Those of you that never took a business course or economics in particular, why...
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    dweasel is just like uncle dolan

    blew ur mind LM8vHH-9vsE
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    official obama wins gg

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    When Obama wins tomorrow it will be the best day of your life since 2008.
  11. T

    the first video i ever liked on youtube

    DkGMY63FF3Q reminds me of goshin
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    twitter on debate

    is this just on the youtube version wtf
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    yo this game suck way simple
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    the current future state of diamonds, asteroids, outer space, weddings, and your dick

    oh hey bros i just got back from sucking like soooo many dicks and i read this retarded article How Does an Asteroid Impact Make Diamonds? - Popular Mechanics so like woah so many diamonds that will prob make diamond market crash and debeers and etc capital evil men will lose way a ton of...
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    holy fucking shit goshin stfu

    you are basically reading science tabloids you prob watch the big bang theory will you accept my challenge to read 10 minutes of economics for once in your life? it would answer all your childish questions. you are thick as a fucking brick, a hipster, a faggot, a communist, myopic, have...
  16. T

    kickstarter is fuckin retarded communist

    lots of commies on this site. ppl say oh kickstart so great dont understand finance. only reason it works is b/c they skirt a million diff laws that make it illegal. this is what a deregulated financial market looks like. y can u donate to a business (wtf?) but if as one of the rewards you...
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    r there any good games anymore

    ????? good multiplayer game ?
  18. T

    omg mario64 record

    this is the run Siglemic
  19. T

    um my tw is fucked up
