[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

worldly intellectual vanster has never heard the term "combloc" before


tbf people in the commonwealth or in commonwealth-influenced (culturally or education-wise like the UAE) countries usually just say warsaw pact or if they're old enough 'the 2nd world'

but yeah context clues or a simple google should make combloc pretty easy to parse regardless :f
Blocked from Twitter, Donald Trump has resorted to issuing official White House statements that read a lot like the tweets he can no longer send.

“United States military troops in Afghanistan are at a 19-year low. Likewise, Iraq and Syria are also at the lowest point in many years. I will always be committed to stopping the endless wars,” Trump said in the statement.

The defense department has ordered a drawdown of US troops in Afghanistan, but thousands of service members remain there, despite Trump’s consistent criticisms of the country’s “endless wars” during both his 2016 campaign and his presidency.

As the House debated the president’s impeachment yesterday, Trump sent a similar White House statement, urging “no violence” ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration. Of course, that message came a week after the president incited a violent mob to attack the US Capitol, resulting in five deaths.

may b he will start writing 240 characters or less on sheets of toilet paper next
I used to be impressed, now I just go with it. If I'm not sure of my work schedule through the end of the week, I just ask Lemon.
may b he will start writing 240 characters or less on sheets of toilet paper next

You know, the amounts of foreign collusion and attempted election interference in this social media thread alone probably outweighs the alleged Facebook Russia interference of 2016.
Important message to all of you

imagine being so brainwashed and npc-like that you gloat about getting joe biden into the office of the presidency

lollers we showed you!
imagine being so brainwashed and npc-life that you gloat about getting trump into the office of the presidency for one term, 2 impeachments and then losing to joe biden