[Mega] MAGA Super Trump Mega Thread

I don't believe campaign finance violations fall under high crimes and misdemeanors. It's a fine in most cases.

this is going to break his heart

he wanted to incarcerate and impeach TRUMP before having anything on him

supz yall yus wantn yall 2 no wutta faggetass oldnativecuckfuck pussyass fukn bitchass l0s3r i m ok n i supadupa njoy takn slaps cross mah pussyass fukn teefz n m0uf i m sucha guuuuuuud GUD lil fuccboi fukme
d00 still no him soundn lykkit 2 smdh lol :jester:
And there is documents proving it, not just a plea deal bargaining chip of he said he said. Because, you know, a convicted felons word is gold. Also, talking about it and actually doing it are two different things. You can't convict, let alone incarcerate bullshit.

There's documented proof that the Clintons did a lot of shady shit, yet still they are walking (well, Hillary mainly stumbles) free. But the likelyhood of them landing in prison is about as likely as trump being impeached.

comey went from zero to hero

bush and mccain went from stain to MAGA trump pain

and now cohen, cohen, he is our man if he can't take down trump admin nobody can

pieces of shit combine powers into the form of Swamp defender

and tomorrow

and every day

because every day is one day closer to 2024 when he can no longer be President

and we get Trump by him just being old and more likely to die soon

tick tock
i hope some of them giants can fly like an eagle i'm going to throw them out of a helicopter and bury the next to a redskin leel
I'll go two steps further: As we now have a convicted felon (Cohen) saying he conspired with then-candidate Trump to violate campaign finance laws. That in itself, if true, is an impeachable offense. Even without the Mueller's report, which will be coming, there is now sufficient evidence to impeach AND remove from office, and finally, incarcerate.

Its not an impeachable offense.