This is for you Trump voters.

Demographics of the vote speak for themselves. Put in the White House by the old, the poor and the uneducated.

Trump is the Leader of the Free World and there is NOTHING, N O T H I N G a shit eating globalist leech like you can do about it! NADA! ZILCH! ZIP! ZEEEEEE RO!
Demographics of the vote speak for themselves. Put in the White House by the old, the poor and the uneducated.

Without the uneducated minority votes of the inner cities being bused to the polls, Democrats wouldn't win any Presidential election.
lol @CNN

"Look at all the faces of her closest supporters, they say it all. They all worked so hard for her, believed in her, etc."

They're probably all thinking about whether they can get an immunity deal still.
tim kaine, he added zero positive to her chances

he's a Virginia senator... about as milquetoast and safe-centrist as they come. I remember reading some comments from rabid republicans here many years back.... talking about how the only reasonable democrat is mark warner.

I had never even heard of this fucking guy. it turns out he was the token liberal on fox news. DNC must die fucking corporatist centrist scum. sanders had no help from them. he was supported primarily by move on