RON PAUL 2012!

My personal fave:

Ed Messe @ 0:40: Should we keep the Patrtiot Act?

Paul: I think the Patriot Act is terrible. The way we treated Timothy McVeigh was just right. That's how we should deal with terrorists.

Newt @ 2:10: But, McVeigh succeeded. I support laws that prevent terrorists from leveling an entire city with a nuclear bomb.

Paul: This is like saying we're going to have a police officer in every house to stop domestic violence. :ftard:
How would the patriot act have prevented the OK City bombings?
It wouldn't, since it was an FBI operation to put the White militia movement down by associating the militiamen with McVeigh. The whole OKC thing was orchestrated by the government who suckered McVeigh to do the actual 'bombing.'
It wouldn't, since it was an FBI operation to put the White militia movement down by associating the militiamen with McVeigh. The whole OKC thing was orchestrated by the government who suckered McVeigh to do the actual 'bombing.'
You remember his associate the FBI has investigate heavily at the beginning yet at the end, denied even existed? That was fun :)
I find it quite funny how liberals are so easy to accept Ron Paul even though much of his agenda is about "extreme" cuts and less government. Although Ron Paul is not my current favorite out of the GOP candidates, if we can get liberals to vote for Ron Paul, I'll take that over the last 3 years under Obama.
I find it quite funny how liberals are so easy to accept Ron Paul even though much of his agenda is about "extreme" cuts and less government. Although Ron Paul is not my current favorite out of the GOP candidates, if we can get liberals to vote for Ron Paul, I'll take that over the last 3 years under Obama.

i think you're confusing liberals with libertarians. most liberals i've seen hate paul, despite being the only real anti-war pro drug candidate.
And then people like me who have complex views and so are labeled liberal by people who need the world to be simple think Ron Paul is great on some issues and really really shitty on others.
you damn republicans should get behind him to save your country and get rid of the federal reserve

vote him out in 4 years after he finishes the job 4 presidents failed to finish, elect a republican and restart all the wars
I find it quite funny how liberals are so easy to accept Ron Paul even though much of his agenda is about "extreme" cuts and less government. Although Ron Paul is not my current favorite out of the GOP candidates, if we can get liberals to vote for Ron Paul, I'll take that over the last 3 years under Obama.

I don't support Ron Paul and never would

I would, however, vote for Gary Johnson over Obama - at least then at least the president would support somewhere around a half to two thirds of the policies i agree with
What would be bad about a fair tax + a balanced budget amendment?

Fair tax is even less progressive than the current one. Taxes on the poorest would go up, taxes on the richest would go down, services gutted, total collapse, Zimbabwe.

Balanced budget amendment is just a cop out. We need competent governance, competent to borrow when needed, and run a surplus when available. And to a large extent we had that, then W happened.
Americans don't want progress. They want everything to stay the same. That's why they're going to vote in Morons like Perry or Romney who will make sure that nothing changes. Just look at their campaign contributers. Bush, Obama, Perry or Romney, they're all the fucking same.
What's so bad about some actual change? Vote vor Paul.. it's not like it can get any worse.
Fair tax is even less progressive than the current one. Taxes on the poorest would go up, taxes on the richest would go down, services gutted, total collapse, Zimbabwe.

The Fair Tax, iirc, issues an earned income credit to all tax payers in the amount that the average person or family would pay if they're at 120% of the poverty level. So, the poor will continue to pay no taxes. Wouldn't they instead be encouraged to be frugal and invest their money rather than spend on excessive consumable goods to help move out of poverty?

Balanced budget amendment is just a cop out. We need competent governance, competent to borrow when needed, and run a surplus when available. And to a large extent we had that, then W happened.

"Competent governance" is about a big of an oxymoron as "military intelligence." We've had a budget deficit for ~70 of the past 80 years. Moreover, if you combine the surpluses of all those years, in constant dollars, it's about $250 billion less than Obama's stimulus package. BUT BUSH... :rolleyes: btw, the BBA allows for deficit spending at a 2/3rds vote. So, if it's necessary for deficit spending I'm sure our competent politicians in government will vote for it.
The Fair Tax, iirc, issues an earned income credit to all tax payers in the amount that the average person or family would pay if they're at 120% of the poverty level.

And that makes what I said untrue? No. A national sales tax? No thanks, my state sales tax is fucked up enough.

"Competent governance" is about a big of an oxymoron as "military intelligence."

Another cop out. It's not an oxymoron, it's simple, hard, boring work.
And that makes what I said untrue? No. A national sales tax? No thanks, my state sales tax is fucked up enough.

Well... you said the poor will pay more, but they'll continue to pay none. So, what you said is untrue.
How is a sales tax "fucked up" but an income tax that takes 3.5 months worth of your annual paychecks is not?

Another cop out. It's not an oxymoron, it's simple, hard, boring work.

Do you have an actual argument against a BBA? What's the reason not to pass it? It's unnecessary b/c we can trust Washington to be more frugal w/ our money? That hasn't really worked over the past 100 years or so.