[the United States has fallen] superpower? more like superfailure amirite

and the fact that our beer is stronger and better than our American counterparts.

I can never figure out how people, even Canadian, still say this. it's an indication of two things.

1. you've never been to the US
2. you don't really drink and this is what your dad and uncles say so you say it

or both... probably both.

do they not import the shit ton of craft beer in the US to other countries or something? if so, talk about the rest of the world missing out...
"craft beer"

lol in other words

"in the US our beer is only good if it costs 3x as much as regular beer"

yeah great defence you've got going there bro
I've been all over the world. If you are from North America, tall and white, they assume you are rich.

The only difference is there is no initial mistrust of being an egotistical American. A distinct initial advantage.

I only speak from experience. I'm dating a girl from Czech.

In almost everywhere in the world you ARE rich if you are from America.

well i personally have never been treated like i was disliked. many times i've been alone traveling and random groups have struck up a convo with me, and even after finding out i'm a horrible american they've asked me to hang with them and bar hop.

maybe i'm the exception to the rule, but i doubt that

If you have more than 5 seconds to talk to someone, they judge you based on your behavior, not where you are from. I've never had problems traveling because I'm not a jackass. However, many people from america are jackasses. It doesnt matter where you are from, if you act like a jackass people will not like you.

Here is the list of worst travelers by country, based on my experiences:

#1 Australia
#2 Russia
#3 America

I can never figure out how people, even Canadian, still say this. it's an indication of two things.

1. you've never been to the US
2. you don't really drink and this is what your dad and uncles say so you say it

or both... probably both.

do they not import the shit ton of craft beer in the US to other countries or something? if so, talk about the rest of the world missing out...

Every country has a million craft beers; the very essence of craft beer means that it most likely will not exist in other countries.

I believe the difference in beer is purely related to how the United States measures shit differently. Most beers are fairly equal, but Canada has a lot of stronger beers that don't really exist in the States. The average CDN beer is 5.5% where it's closer to 4.5% in America.

Plus, understand that most imported Beers from Canada/US are actually made locally. Molson Canadian in Canada is very different than Molson Canadian, as is Labbat Blue is dfferent in Canada vs the USA.
American tourists tend to be pretty decent, if only because I think these days they get such a terrible reputation as tourists that they actively try to mitigate their own assholeishness and actually act a lot nicer towards other people in their countries.

However, American exchange studies are the most obnoxious people in the fucking world. When I was in Sweden visiting my German buddy, his Germanic group of friends had taken this fat, ugly obnoxious American girl under their wing for humour value.

I swear to God everything that came out of her mouth made me want to punch her. Every second sentence was something like "Well, what I THINK.." or "In MY opinion.." or something that directly involved her, and she was always talking about stupid, inane bullshit.

One time we were all speaking German to eachother and she goes, "Uhh, excuse me, could you PLEASE stop speaking German, I don't understand what you're saying and I don't like it."

Yeah, ask a bunch of Germans to stop speaking their native language to eachother so you can understand.


I often feel kind of sorry for her because she was so gross, and I mean, we were in fucking Sweden (land of hot gorgeous blondes) with a group of very attractive German chicks, and here she was, this fat pig-faced American girl
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in Canada your taxes on alcohol are so ridiculous and what a hassle it is to have to go to a government store (unless you are in Quebec). I can go to the supermarket .. the gas station .. I'm pretty sure I can buy beer at elementary school now. Why does your country insist on having a monopoly on selling beer? To make all the money?
in Canada your taxes on alcohol are so ridiculous and what a hassle it is to have to go to a government store (unless you are in Quebec). I can go to the supermarket .. the gas station .. I'm pretty sure I can buy beer at elementary school now. Why does your country insist on having a monopoly on selling beer? To make all the money?

yeah, but some states are like that here too... like PA... it sucks, even worse than CT's crummy liquor laws. I was amused when I went to AZ on vacation once and saw liquor and beer for sale in CVS.
if we killed all texans, usa would drop to like #8 on that list

i'd be dead

when you say texans i'm pretty sure you really mean: alabama, arkansas, louisiana, mississippi, and missouri

texas is overall awesome

edit: and throw Kentucky in there, that place is awful
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no, i mean texans

"all y'all gots some ranch dippin sauce?"

it's a french restaurant run by a real frenchman, you fucking savages