[UK] Stuff to see and do

The fuck is wrong with you people. Don't try Boddingtons or John Smiths, thats shit. Most pubs will serve at least one decent, usually local, real ale. Also, you're so close to Bristol it'd be a shame not to go. It's our 10th city and everyone talks like a pirate.

Boddies and Smiths are pretty nice, the fuck are you on about? But you are right about the ales.

If you get chance go to a weatherspoons pub, they are usually nice and friendly in there and they will do a selection of ales from different places that are (usually) local.

As for rugby, again I don't know much about it. But if you go to cardiff or something then you'll most likely see rugby matches being played on the TV in pubs. Listen to the welsh people there talking about teams and you should get a good idea of who to watch.
Boddies and Smiths are pretty nice, the fuck are you on about? But you are right about the ales.

If you get chance go to a weatherspoons pub, they are usually nice and friendly in there and they will do a selection of ales from different places that are (usually) local.

Ahh, just a matter of taste I suppose. I don't like em.

Can't tell if you're joking or not about the weatherspoons. Round here that's where you go on a Friday/Saturday night if you want a fight with a bunch of slaughtered 18 year old chavs.
i get the impression dsw is from up north, so wetherspoons probably is a classy joint to him ;)
There's about a million bars in any city I'd go to before Wetherspoons. I mean they're great for towns and are typically the most 'upmarket' place to go, but if you're a tourist I can't think of any possible reason to want to go to one. They're usually chavvy pubs trying to pretend they're bars.

Also it has become apparent in this thread that although Al'Muktar has some good advice, his taste in alcohol is awful and best disregarded. If you so much as pick up a bottle of white cider you need a slap upside the head.
al'muk basically looks, drinks, smokes and dresses like a tramp - i say this with all :heart:

one time i was at oxford train station saying farewell to him as he waited for his train back to cov, he was sitting on the floor on the platform and someone threw him a quid

anyway surely we should direct Grungir to a traditional english pub type venue rather than fucking wetherspoons, jesus wept
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he is a very kind, polite, well spoken and intelligent chap though

i think the image is just to blend in on the mean streets of cov
I'm in a fairly small town, there's alot of choice. From poncy winebar type places to three really good real ale pubs.

I guess you're right though, in some places it is the only choice (heaven forbid).

EDIT: Depends on your definition of 'small town'.
Well, I'm thinking of Midlands type towns such as Mansfield, Kirkby, Sutton, and Hucknall. The contrast in quality of restaurants/bars/pubs/etc between them and the city I live in is shocking.
Ah ok, my town is probably twice the size of Mansfield, so puts it into perspective.

In that case, yeah, wetherspoons probably is upmarket and there probably isn't much choice anyway. Then again, you get some awesome village pubs.