ICC at 15%

Damn, I got owned @ WoW knowledge, that's like not knowing what show is on TV Saturday night at 9pm.

Completely forgot there were 5 mans. :lol: Don't think I've seen anyone spam for any ICC 5 man in months (after the whole battered hilt fiasco). I always see LFM PoS, FoS, HoR.

Probably blocked them out of my memory after running PoS fucking 20 million times for nevermelting on my lock. Haven't set foot in a raid outside VoA in like 2 months; I only log on for arena these days. Oh well, don't give a fuck

In conclusion, knowing WoW shit is a crutch for talentless players. You're fucking out, I'm fucking in. Thank you, goodnight.

Cliffs: I know you are but what am i....

No it's not, which is all the more infuriating when our GM decides to take 5 minutes in between Sindragosa wipes to give us a lesson in "how to turn and run the opposite direction when you get Icy-Gripped". Our bear tank admitted to KEYBOARD TURNING during that and he still got out every time, and we still had 2 - 3 people dying to Blistering Cold. So badly people were turning away from her before the Icy Grip so they wouldn't need to turn before they start running.

We killed Sindragosa25 for the first time last week, and up until the night we killed her, we were still having a couple of people die to Grip

Know how we fixed it?

They don't raid Sindragosa with us. Fuck them.
We killed Sindragosa25 for the first time last week, and up until the night we killed her, we were still having a couple of people die to Grip

Know how we fixed it?

They don't raid Sindragosa with us. Fuck them.

This I know, but I'm just a grunt (and happy for it) so I leave the recruitment to the GM and officers. I show up with my food, flasks, etc. and pew-pew and not stand in shit and move, etc. and it's all good. We had to pug a healer last night, a 5800 GS holy pally who pretty much was terribad. If he wasn't dying to blistering cold, he was getting backlashed. The couple of times he made it to an aerial phase he got eaten by frost bombs.

Still trying to figure out how my GM plans to start ICC-25 this week when we still have to pug 1 - 2 people for 10s though.
I would kill myself if feannag proved me wrong.

10/12 ICC10 and it's not difficult at all. I had to teach the other hunter in our group how to use Distracting Shot and forst traps on Saurfang and dreamwalker. It's not difficult to disengage from Icy Grip and mouse-turn 180. Hell half the time I didn't disengage to show people hunters didn't have it easy.

I could always go to heroic-10 once we finish up normal-10.
Damn, I got owned @ WoW knowledge, that's like not knowing what show is on TV Saturday night at 9pm.

Completely forgot there were 5 mans. :lol: Don't think I've seen anyone spam for any ICC 5 man in months (after the whole battered hilt fiasco). I always see LFM PoS, FoS, HoR.

Probably blocked them out of my memory after running PoS fucking 20 million times for nevermelting on my lock. Haven't set foot in a raid outside VoA in like 2 months; I only log on for arena these days. Oh well, don't give a fuck

In conclusion, knowing WoW shit is a crutch for talentless players. You're fucking out, I'm fucking in. Thank you, goodnight.

JXICAN! I fucking love the Eastbound & Down quote bro, good job.
In conclusion, knowing WoW shit is a crutch for talentless players. You're fucking out, I'm fucking in. Thank you, goodnight.

It's not like knowing those instances are ICC is WoW geek status knowledge. Pretty sure most everyone knows that they are.
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Sad thing is...30% still won't help the tards know how to pass diseases, do bites correctly, dodge defile/do valks (even on normal), etc, etc.
icy grip... HOW IS IT HARD TO RUN AWAY? i dont get it... blizzard makes pve so easy yet all it does is astound me at how bad/stupid people can be...

i'm an ex-lv60 raider and i dont even play this game anymore... i went into icc25 for the first time (had mostly 232 gear) like a month ago and learned every single fight within like a few minutes or even before we had pulled... even the ones i didn't know shit about, i still did fine because everything's so god damn straight forward.

BIG BLUE FLAMING BALL!!!! am i supposed to.. NOT run away?

i wiped the raid ONCE because i didn't know what rotface was about (the one w/ the slime or whatever) and i took too long getting slime to our kiter but in retrospect that's not even that bad and it was the only thing i did wrong the entire night.. good grief. wow makes me lose faith in humanity..
icy grip... HOW IS IT HARD TO RUN AWAY? i dont get it... blizzard makes pve so easy yet all it does is astound me at how bad/stupid people can be...

i'm an ex-lv60 raider and i dont even play this game anymore... i went into icc25 for the first time (had mostly 232 gear) like a month ago and learned every single fight within like a few minutes or even before we had pulled... even the ones i didn't know shit about, i still did fine because everything's so god damn straight forward.

BIG BLUE FLAMING BALL!!!! am i supposed to.. NOT run away?

i wiped the raid ONCE because i didn't know what rotface was about (the one w/ the slime or whatever) and i took too long getting slime to our kiter but in retrospect that's not even that bad and it was the only thing i did wrong the entire night.. good grief. wow makes me lose faith in humanity..

Duh, back then WoW wasn't mainstream. It was a popular MMORPG that had yet to attain the unsurpassed numbers it does now. It was more complicated and punished players more harshly for fumbling and what not. I would think it was around the end of classic and the beginning of TBC is when it started to slide. The new heroic dungeon systems were difficult still (you actually had to gear for them after you hit 70) and while they scaled back the raids to 25-man it was still difficult (People still talk about Mur'u before the end-expansion nerf).

It was probably then Blizzard realized they would have to make the game more forgiving in order to keep all the new subscribers coming back. Nerd-raging over boss fights would result in people leaving, and the raids were largely inaccessible due to gear-check encounters and more complex mechanics. They continued to tinker with it in WtoLK, when they added 10-man difficulty to increase the accessibility. I think they got it right with ulduar but after that it was a crazy slide into ever increasing item-levels and trying to keep pace with it.

In the end, they continue to make it stupid-easy while the ever-increasing player base gets more stupidity or a greater sense of entitlement (I hit 80, where's all my epics?!?) The REAL challenge now is finding a group of competent people who raid as a guild.