Beware of Frail, Racist White People

I never said I did know much.
And I don't understand your question.

We can straighten this out very quickly, if you want to.
Are you a kid-toucher? Is Tehvul inventing this charge to besmirch you?

If he is, please understand that I don't give a shit WHY he's doing it. I only want to know if it's true or not true.
You guys know I'm not dumb.
I type all fucked up for fun.:clap:

I have a 4 year Univ. degree.
Actually, I'm extremely astute!

What I know is that you are an idiot who thinks he is being clever by writing like a retard.
A 4 year degree in what? I know some people who have degrees and they are idiots.
A degree is not proof of intelligence.
You guys know I'm not dumb.
I type all fucked up for fun.:clap:

I have a 4 year Univ. degree.
Actually, I'm extremely astute!

You guys are soooooo lazy:zzz::zzz:
to wade through my affected gibberish.
YOU should bother , I am a repository of knowledge.
You will learn something!:banging:

Ah well.........

you should stop typing altogether... that would make it even more tricky!
This guy is saying the same type of rhetoric as the tea baggers, I'm sure you all don't have much to say about them.
Of course when they say something bad about American imperialism you white people start freaking out.
a member of a group called "the race", is talking about others being racist.


La Raza doesn't mean "the race". There correct translation would be something more along the lines of "the people" although that still isn't as accurate. This term cannot be properly defined in English by a simple one word answer due to language differences.
La Raza doesn't mean "the race". There correct translation would be something more along the lines of "the people" although that still isn't as accurate. This term cannot be properly defined in English by a simple one word answer due to language differences.

you can tell me what it doesn't mean. but you can't tell me what it does mean.

Learn Spanish and find out for yourself.

I know it's hard for Americans to learn any other language but English, but do try.

um, a generalization about Americans. I suppose it would be wrong to generalize about Mexicans?

No, go to Google translate and type in "la raza" Spanish->English.

Also, Jewpedia says: In the Spanish language the term La Raza literally means "the race" or generally and symbolically "the people."
While it is true that one meaning of “raza” in Spanish is indeed “race,” in Spanish, as in English and any other language, words can and do have multiple meanings. As noted in several online dictionaries, “La Raza” means “the people” or “the community.” Translating our name as “the race” is not only inaccurate, it is factually incorrect. “Hispanic” is an ethnicity, not a race. As anyone who has ever met a Dominican American, Mexican American, or Spanish American can attest, Hispanics can be and are members of any and all races.