
hello rapher, congrats on your success. i will buy this game for ps3 just for you


got a link to a site with a list of abilities and end-game mods?

For the character specific skill trees, see:

Borderlands: Skill Tree
Borderlands: Skill Tree
Borderlands: Skill Tree
Borderlands: Skill Tree

Your current best bet for breakdowns on weaponry and gear is in the strategy guide. I suspect it is only a matter of time before websites pop up dedicated to compiling comprehensive gear lists, including class mods, grenade mods, and the like. There is a ridiculous amount of items in Borderlands, so I’m excited to see the community discover all the gear, especially the rare stuff! :)
By the way, if any fellow TW members will be in the Dallas area this weekend, you should come out and party with Gearbox:

Mix Master Mike is going to be the MC, and of course, you'll be able to play Borderlands!
This is one of the games I want to play, but I just don't have time to right now. Maybe in a year when it's on a steam sale I'll pick it up, because I really do think it look cool (both the graphics, I like the new style, and the combat).
anyone pooling together to get the 4 pack - it's like ~$34ea if you do it that way.

someone ping me if they want to do that...