[Canada] Our government is retarded

What the hell is with the Alberta ego? You do realize that Alberta is in a boom period and it will eventually level out just like every other province, right?

It's a great province and all, but I liked BC better. Ontario's not bad either. Manitoba and Saskatchewan are a little dull... but there's lots of country to go around and lots of good people living in it. No reason to hate.

This man knows what he is talking about. Vancouver was voted #3 best place IN THE WORLD to live for a reason.
who cares what obama wants to do

every economist out there would attest to the fact that it is absolutely retarded to cut consumption taxes instead of income taxes (the latter might even result in higher tax revenues) -- you are straight up being pandered to, and you're swallowing it hook line and sinker. that's awesome.

As far as I can see, both have been cut. There is no "instead". And yes, we're being pandered to. And how!

it's great that you went through the trouble of constructing an elaborate strawman but you obviously aren't getting it: i mean investing in new technologies, infrastructure, healthcare, etc... you know... the future...

Ok,... investing in American automakers is hardly investing in technology. The liberals want to raise a "carbon tax". They don't have a plan for the other kinds of investments you mentioned AFAIK. They are the greater of the two evils. Although it'd be nice if Harper invested in the things you mentioned. That's what lobbying is for!
What I haven't seen enough in this thread is that, sure, Harper never had the majority of the vote but that Dion was flat out rejected at the polls. Seems to me like the support you see here for a coalition are the few that actually voted for Dion and the rest of the coalition representation are keeping their mouths shut. And just like the debate went earlier this year, you see these same people attacking Harper instead of stating how the coalition, mainly the Libs, are going make this country better.
Well you have twisted my statement a bit.

Deep down, I don't believe in the Liberals the NDP or Quebecers. I'm sick of years and years of Liberals running this country, and would like to see Stephen get a chance to do his thing for a while.

Cretien was the last Liberal leader I liked, until he got lazy. That got him back stabbed by his own party. Liberals seem more and more unsavory.


The other thing is, Canada's government is of little consequence, the only thing worth thinking about is how badly this 'coalition' will mess things up for our economy. Any other decision OUR government makes is pretty much moot.. though there are some issues I care about, but right now I'd like to see every member of that coalition hung.

Didn't the last coalition not last a week?
You mean the lowest voter turnout in ages?

I don't like this whole coalition government idea either but the last election was abysmal - and overshadowed by the US election.

That being said I'm just living here and cannot yet vote (but would if I could) so feel free to disregard my opinion.

People not voting means that they are satisfied with their situation. This situation has been brought in part by Harper.
People not voting means that they are satisfied with their situation. This situation has been brought in part by Harper.

Actually, NO.

People not voting means that they are not interested in federal politics anymore because of retarded bullshit like what may happen.

But anyways, these last few pages totally prove my point.

Canada is all about equality; every province hates every other province equally.

Travel around the world a little bit and you'll see how ridiculous and childish this internal bickering is.

Oh and one last thing, when I'm overseas and tell people that I'm Canadian; all they know about our country is that its big and freaking cold. Nobody knows, or cares, about our internal politics. They don't equate our country to Alberta's oil or Quebec's former separatist ambitions (notice FORMER here...):

the only thing that comes to their mind is SNOW.

I love my country and couldn't think of living anywhere else, but man is this continuous internal in-fighting retarded...
They are playing the Liberals own game, only this time, with the support of the people.

And to add to what I said before, I admire Alberta for what they are. Without them, Canada would be pretty insignificant on the map. When you mention Canada to Americans, and even immigrants, the first thing they mention is how Alberta is doing so well. Foreign countries thousands of miles away hold Alberta's economic power to be something worthy of respect.

All I ever hear come from the East is whiners.

Get the fuck over yourself will you?

Alberta is Nigger rich and you are a perfect example of acting the part. It has been pointed out many times already in this thread that Up until a few years ago Alberta was a drain on our economy since confederation. You have found a way to step up and do your part for a while, (while raping the environment in the process) congrats.
we are raping the barren almost permafrost of northern alberta

i dont know if you guys know, but it looks a lot like saskatchewan but cold as fuck
As far as I can see, both have been cut. There is no "instead". And yes, we're being pandered to. And how!

Ok,... investing in American automakers is hardly investing in technology. The liberals want to raise a "carbon tax". They don't have a plan for the other kinds of investments you mentioned AFAIK. They are the greater of the two evils. Although it'd be nice if Harper invested in the things you mentioned. That's what lobbying is for!

seriously where do you assholes get the idea that i want to help any of the big 3 automakers?

fyi i think a tax on pollution is a great idea
yeah thats a great idea

its not like they won't increase prices on us to offset it or anything!
There is no "combined" support... that's the illusion. On any other given day, the Bloc, the NDP and Liberals hate each other and bicker back and forth. They are not united in governing the country... only in opposing the Conservatives and ensuring that if they can't lead government (or they don't get their spoils), no one will. Entrusting the country to such a disjointed union is foolhardy.

You are correct, 143 seats to 77 is "a fraction" . That's just short of one half more then the Liberal Party, and this considering that 3 years ago the Liberals had their majority government and lost it... they lost 26 seats, with 19 of them voting conservative. To say that Canadians didn't make it clear their intentions when they voted 3 years ago... is just being ignorant of the obvious.

The only "true" Canadian Parties are the NDP and the Liberal Party... combined they only hold 110 seats. Adding in 49 separatists seats only gives them 6 seats to declare a "technical" majority... but really... what kind of majority do you have when 1 third of your number... does not consider themselves Canadian and openly admits it? Liberals and the NDP are fooling themselves. Why are these 49 seats deciding anything? They should maintain there assertion of being SEPARATE from Canada by abstaining in this matter.

Why involve themselves? Because they see opportunity to profit for themselves at the expense of 3 billion dollars in tax payer "stimulus" to Quebec. That's all they care about... that all they ever care about and that's all they've said they've cared about. They have no interest in governing Canada.

To declare no confidence in Harper's Leadership because he's doing exactly what he said he would do when he was voted into office is pure School Yard Politics. Throwing a tantrum at being openly scolded with a "fuck you" when called to task on being accountable with the taxpayers money. The Liberal's are crying because they got caught with their hands in the cookie jar when it came to Party Money didn't they? Isn't that why they were voted out? Spending government monies... on themselves instead of the machinery of democratic rule? And explain to me why I should be spending my Tax Dollars to fund a Party who wishes to Separate from Confederation altogether?

The Liberal's put Ontario's economy into the tank and because the Government didn't roll over and bail them out with freebies... let's throw a fit in the of middle our Parliamentary "super market" shall we?

This is nothing more then a "Coalition of Semantics".

Yes, the three parties hate each other any give day but how is that different than any other minority government? Every party hates every other party. How would you expect a minority government to function properly without the Prime Minister making some concessions to the other parties to get them to support some of the bills they are trying to pass? Trusting the country with a party that will openly thumb their nose to every other party that combined represents the MAJORITY of the Canadian population? So they're allowed to impose the will of the minority of the population onto the majority of them? That doesn't sound like democracy working too well.

143 is a fraction of the total seats. I am not just saying LIBERAL. I am saying ALL of them. I know the Liberals lost seats but every other major party gained seats since the dissolution of Parliament. Why should a party that represents a THIRD of Canadians be able to run the country and pretty much ignore the representatives of the other two thirds of the country? Does that really make sense to you? Harper isn't extending an olive branch trying to make peace with them so that they support his budget. As I already said, he had this planned out to try to make the other parties look like shit if they're going to vote against the budget and trigger a new election. He will blame them and do a smear campaign in hopes of voters being sheep and believing what he's saying. Meanwhile, the other parties are trying to prevent that from happening by forming a coalition government so they won't have to go back to the polls and anger the public.
Half the Canadian fucks out there fail to realize one very important thing: the votes from the last federal election were for individual parties, NOT for a fucking coalition.

You can't just tally up the NDP/Bloc/Lib votes together... that was not the intention of the voters. They voted for individual parties. If I had voted for NDP or Liberals, and then my vote was taken to count in favour of a coalition government, I'd be fucking pissed.

This can't fly. If the coalition works out and is put into power without a vote, it'll be a disgrace.
Half the Canadian fucks out there fail to realize one very important thing: the votes from the last federal election were for individual parties, NOT for a fucking coalition.

You can't just tally up the NDP/Bloc/Lib votes together... that was not the intention of the voters. They voted for individual parties. If I had voted for NDP or Liberals, and then my vote was taken to count in favour of a coalition government, I'd be fucking pissed.

This can't fly. If the coalition works out and is put into power without a vote, it'll be a disgrace.

you don't seem to understand how a parlimentary system works.