Colin Powell endorsing Obama

he just endorsed obama, and ripped McCain for picking palin, not having a clue about how to deal with the economy, and pandering to the far right.
This is at least the 2nd time a rumor of him backnig Obama has been floated, I'll wait for it to actually happen. I hope he does but it won't change my vote if he doesn't.
there are so many GOPrs jumping ship.

i mean for fuck sake, christopher buckley endorsed obama and then left The National Review

This is at least the 2nd time a rumor of him backnig Obama has been floated, I'll wait for it to actually happen. I hope he does but it won't change my vote if he doesn't.

um, he just did. turn on meet the press now.

he's slamming McCain for the same reasons any intelligent person would, which is refreshing for the country.
^ i have NBC on... i dont see it...

This is at least the 2nd time a rumor of him backnig Obama has been floated, I'll wait for it to actually happen. I hope he does but it won't change my vote if he doesn't.

he's going to endorse obama. look at his record.

he supported obama on diplomacy and trashed mccain on his response to russia/georgia.

he hates neocons and i'm sure is disgusted by the mccain/palin campaign.
he's talking about how it's disgusting that the McCain campaign is calling obama a terrorist and promoting the lie that he's a muslim, then saying even if he was a muslim a political party shouldn't be promoting the idea that it's ok to discriminate against them.

good for him.
he's talking about how it's disgusting that the McCain campaign is calling obama a terrorist and promoting the lie that he's a muslim, then saying even if he was a muslim a political party shouldn't be promoting the idea that it's ok to discriminate against them.

good for him.


i often imagine what the US special forces guy who is muslim-american... and was climbing around on tora bora... getting intel, listening in on radios, etc.... i often wonder how HE feels when muslims are trashed by conservatives.

good for powell to speak out on that.
so, today obama announces he raised $150 million fucking dollars in SEPTEMBER and then gets colin powell's endorsement.

the conservative blog/forums are going batshit insane. :lol:
Palin's lack of experience is an INSULT to the office of the vice presidency. Her clear lack of understanding of the prescient national security issues (or really, any major issue) of the day should disqualify the McCain/Palin ticket to anyone who hopes for a safe and stable country.

The Powell endorsement is huge and it's a shame that FOX and the Republican media is going to stoop to attacking Powell's character because they have nothing else. The man is a national hero, former secretary of state, former general and has an 80% approval rating nationally before this announcement. After the Republican slime machine gets done with him though, who knows.

I hope intelligent people come to their senses and listen to Powell because what he said on MTP is absolutely right on target.
it didn't take long for commenters on various blogs to accuse Powell of racism or holding a grudge over Iraq
What Powell said in that vid was exactly what has been needed to be said by someone who commands such respect for a long time. Accusations of racism or grudge holding are petty shots taken at him from a group of people who are marginalizing themselves ever further and more blatantly showing their complete disregard for decency.