Colin Powell endorsing Obama

There are definitely times when ethicality collides with making money.

But everyone has to make money. Why zero out wealthy people? My point is that everyone responds to the same incentives, be they rich or poor.

Just last night Juggernaught was posting in a thread about how he thought everyone who made over 200k a year had to do something shady to get it, yet he is a man who squandered some woman's family inheritance. He is perfect example of the fucked up kind of thinking people have about how people make money.
But everyone has to make money. Why zero out wealthy people? My point is that everyone responds to the same incentives, be they rich or poor.
Not everybody has the same priorities, at the same time. Some people can and do every unethical, underhanded move they can to get ahead. Some people try and do the same, but fail. Plenty of greedy poor people. There are some people who tried taking the high road and didn't get as far. And then you've got those who ruthlessly work their way to the top, and afterwards rescind their greed.

Not saying that it's a one follows the other arrangement, but a correlation almost certainly exists.
Where can I find the rest of the meet the press thing??

Colin Powell for PRESIDENT!!!!

The only thing I disagreed with him on was that he said the Republican party is going to far RIGHT. :ftard: I guess he means in "social conservative" terms (gay marriage, abortion, uberpatriotism, ect, ect)....because god knows they haven't been more conservative lately. They are more big government than the democrats.
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Rush Limbaugh is saying Powell did it because Obama is black. Fucking SHAMELESS! I hope that when he finally pays his karmic debt, it's televised.
Rush Limbaugh is saying Powell did it because Obama is black. Fucking SHAMELESS! I hope that when he finally pays his karmic debt, it's televised.

i remember listening to rush a lot back in the early 1990s.

he made a huge impact on politics back in 1992-1994, helping to carve out the new culture wars in american media and politics that would set the stage for the rise of fox and such.

i believe it was Gingrich who called him an honorary member of congress during his "revolution" in 1994.

since that time, i realized how he's just merely a demagogue who relies on "shock jock" radio tactics. he has a new generation of lemmings who listen to him and he's tried to define himself in less partisan terms... yet in the end, he's the same slime ball he's always been.
I started listening to him in the early 90s, and it was entertaining for a while. But then I noticed that he straight out lies, a LOT. Then it got less interesting and more exasperating.

And then there's Fox News, who actually went to court to protect their 1st Amendment right to intentionally lie in their news. How that doesn't lead to them losing their FCC license, I don't understand, but there will be a new commissioner soon.

Alexander Haig is endorsing McCain, so suck on that America!
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