Who the fuck was Mr. Crowley?

A.) I never cheated @ LT besides interpolate which isn't a cheat and at one point everyone used it
B.) I pinged 0 to anywhere central and all LT servers were in chicago, this was because I was on a T1 connection backbone to chicago one of the main internet backbones in the nation
C.) I never payed jack shit for TW or Tribes in my life 0 $
D.) I didn't lose in fact we beat every LT team besides admin non who had a stacked ass team of really good players and he cheated himself most of the time

spidey :[ sorry that u sucked @ LT

You were banned from twl for cheating... :lol:

You never beat BE while I was playing, a mediocre LT team. What more can I say?

Maybe your revisionist sense of tribz history is meant to cover up your epic crappyness.
Kick out the jams was an HPB that pubbed constantly he was fucking sick for being an HPB and I used to smurf as KickOutTheJews to piss him off occasionally. He was never on any good teams though all he did was pub.

What name(s) did you play under?
Holy crap you spent $0 on tribes?

Jason Kotz

You fucking bought that forum name from the original KittyCat you raging lying faggot.
probably cause i was good? although on w our whole HO team was good. noto, slotr, skillz

got lag

i mean if we're going 2 put players like u on a dream team i suppose i should be on a dream team too
crowley used to frequent tennessee tribes server

this bring back memories

there was another guy named Ronin who was always pretty good. he had a 10yr old son as well who went by BAM!

ahhhhhh memememememoreies
yeah i understand he came a bit later

although he was around on a good top20 or pretty close 2 it team during primetime tribes

he is coke from imperial rage and kirk is pepsi i am pretty sure

anyways he perfected the position with nutz in my opinion (although aided with cheats)
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kirk was a fucking cheater from day one and was a fucking lag master. Grab flag and warp was his motto.

Yeah NutZ came close but always folded in longevity games..was fun beating them and POE...especially the arrogant later ones
yes i understand nutz wasn't that great in comparison to the real top teams. they were with 2nd gen poe & the core disease doctors

but i am speaking on skillz' personal performance

the dude ran shit
skillz was a good lead I will admit. I was never "awesome" as far as people here are concerned but I ran..er "we" ran a great team. A personal performance is good but if a team works in unison its awesome.

On that note I capped as a heavy on SH vs BMF so I am actually awesome.
i was on a team with nonreg for a while

it was the worst time of my life

but also the best

i guess i just miss his scent

hell, i just miss being with him

PS: i was probably one of the best terrible players in the game
you could say that if everyone still played the game enough to be somewhat competitive and the game still had new comers

who knows how far players could progress the game

also there is way more maps suited for base that are awesome compared to LT which consists of 3-4 maps that are good