Michael "Huge Faggot" Cutillo, how old is this?

Im guessing, if you can be a BALLER with $520 glasses you can drop 10 on something you frequent as much as this.

and yea, funny I get this comment coming from yet another non-contributor
ever since rayn tightened the vice i've been considering contributing and i think i've decided that i will next time it's economically feasible for me.

EDIT: but really i just stopped by to say nice package akuma
Im guessing, if you can be a BALLER with $520 glasses you can drop 10 on something you frequent as much as this.

and yea, funny I get this comment coming from yet another non-contributor

why are you so proud you donated $10 bucks to TW

are you some kind of cocksucker on welfare
fag 1:dude your a fag look at this half naked pic of you

fag 2: no dude your a fucking pussy faggot cause you are too afraid to post half naked pics of yourself

fag 1: dude your the real fag cause you are just mad at me cause im not an insecure fag like you

fag 2: dude you are such a huge fag. im not insecure. ill post a pic of my dick if you just post a pic of yourself half naked

fag 1: fine dude heres a pic of me. now post a pic of your dick or you are a faggot who backs down


:lol: :lol:
in case you were wondering, no one gives a flying fuck about any of the following points:

-post count
-post response time
-actual age
-contributor status

please revise your attempts to insult and try again
what kind of fag will call akuma out constantly but refuses to post an even relatively recent picture of himself
from that pic i can tell xcursion has extremely large ears. probably extremely goofy looking ala beren.
so xcursion is still dancing around the picture issue.

There's something wrong with him or he has super low self esteem
I did.


You just never said it had to be a current pic. Make with the cock now homo.

You looked like kid off mad magazine
