Marweas still hasnt told us about getting fired

I remember that bike (3 wheeler) they were going to have in T2. All the vehicles in T2 (When it was announced) had wheels. I wonder why they took the wheels off and made them hover craft, save the Jericho?

From what I heard they didn't have enough time to work the kinks out of the contact physics and going hover was a quick fix.
Vir is just getting his panties bundled because his (ex)fellow 5150 mates 'left' like the prissy sluts they are.
Wildcat was a lot of fun although it wasn't too useful in actual competitive gameplay. Just fucking around with it was a blast.
Wow It's shocking that this thread stayed so civil. Anyway, to those who were involved in creating T1/T2 that posted in this thread... Thanks for the good times.
Couldn't do those awesome wildcat jumps on that water map if not so it was the right move.

Remember the WC during T2 beta? That thing was a was so loose, you could pull off some really awesome stuff...


Someone tell me where tribes extreme is at.