Marweas still hasnt told us about getting fired

Get rid of the bugs at launch and I still think T2 could have been a real hit. Even with the differences in gameplay.

It's tough to make a new engine and a game at the same time. It causes just these kinds of release issues a lot of the time because the R&D elements of the engine creation creep into the scheduled polishing phase of the game, and then the publisher usually can't afford to extend the the polish and testing that should be done doesn't occur.

The T2 team was phenomenal. If I had my wayback machine, I'd go back and work with them all again. I have never enjoyed a position or project more than working in that Dynamix building on the T2 project. Perhaps a different publisher would be nice <grin>, but that dev team was fantastic.

Anyway...I'm out for the night. Thanks for the memory lane moment...and thanks for listening. I hope I get to help make a game that attracts all of you again someday. It'd be nice to "work together" again.
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??? The grapple came from community suggestions afair.

I don't think so. It was actually brought up by a member as a joke then sometime later it was announced to much bewilderment and intrigue in the community.

Special suggested it in a number of posts and so they gave it a whirl on the thought that it might level the playing field a bit and give other FPS players a method of movement. I think the version he put forward was a little more like the grappling hook in Q3, though.

Or I might be wrong .. that's just how I rememberd it.
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Dave, reading your post makes me cry. I used to dream about working for Dynamix when I was in high school, only to see you guys get tanked for greedy bastards wanting to make a profit.
In that sense T2 was a failure because had it been done right it could have done so much better.

And none of that "done right" and missed sales had anything to do with gameplay. If they had fixed the crashing it would have given them more sales than any gameplay change times 100.

If they had pleased every T1 vet in the world the amount of people buying the game would be miniscule compared to the people who would not have returned the game because of the crashing. Who actually liked and became a part of this community because of what they did with the gameplay.
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I don't think so. It was actually brought up by a member as a joke then sometime later it was announced to much bewilderment and intrigue in the community.
I don't think you were reading TT at the time.

Grabbler vs no grabbler were one of the recurring themes throughout the development period in those forums. Right up there with "targetting lazer being removed".
As far as getting Vivendi to relinquish the Tribes IP, look, it's just an asset to them like any other. All assets have value, so if you're serious about wanting to buy it, they'd seriously be interested in selling it.

I would imagine the going price would be in the millions of dollars though. Otherwise it's just not worth it for a big corporation to spend the time drafting legal documents and such.

But I bet you could buy the entire Tribes IP, including source code for Tribes 1 and 2, for under $4 million.

Just a guess. Disclaimer: I haven't worked for Vivendi in about 18 months.

I'm doing my part by playing the McDonald's monopoly game, i actually think about being able to buy the ip if i sad is that? :lol:

Seriously though, what a great thread.
I'm doing my part by playing the McDonald's monopoly game, i actually think about being able to buy the ip if i sad is that? :lol:

Seriously though, what a great thread.

I have park place if you get the other half!
Not sure who suggested the grappler, but Biohazard (creator of T1's Biowasteland mod) designed the thing.
I don't think you were reading TT at the time.

Grabbler vs no grabbler were one of the recurring themes throughout the development period in those forums. Right up there with "targetting lazer being removed".

I remember and I was reading from beginning to end .. maybe I wanted it to be a joke, LOL. :D
And none of that "done right" and missed sales had anything to do with gameplay. If they had fixed the crashing it would have given them more sales than any gameplay change times 100.

If they had pleased every T1 vet in the world the amount of people buying the game would be miniscule compared to the people who would not have returned the game because of the crashing. Who actually liked and became a part of this community because of what they did with the gameplay.

I think Dennis is kinda stuck. We've heard his argument a million times by 1000 different members. It's old ..
And none of that "done right" and missed sales had anything to do with gameplay. If they had fixed the crashing it would have given them more sales than any gameplay change times 100.

If they had pleased every T1 vet in the world the amount of people buying the game would be miniscule compared to the people who would not have returned the game because of the crashing. Who actually liked and became a part of this community because of what they did with the gameplay.

Imo it is the skiing that keeps new players away, not the jetpack really. This is one reason I agree T2 would have really sored if not for the instability and high resource usage. Think of how much the pace of the game is affected by skiing.

I wish we had that TC done before the T2 re-release patch was ready, what a missed oppertunity :mecry:
Not sure who suggested the grappler, but Biohazard (creator of T1's Biowasteland mod) designed the thing.

The grappler would have been fine if splash damage forced the hook to release, I brought it up in closed beta a few times. Too much work for them to do it was the answer basically. I think the grapple was a good idea, just needed a better implementation.
My only problem with the grapple was you had new players coming to try the game who could handle walking around the map. Now you want them to ski, now want them to ski and grapple? I saw legitimate new players on our server all the time, they simply could not handle it. And here you have players who have mastered skiing who have mastered the grapple totally dominating them. You must as a developer specifically code the enjoyment of new players. T2 is the best example of this.
I was a Tribes junkie...

But I must give credit where credit is due...

The most fun i have EVER had in a Tribes game, was in TR2

i always thought the art style of t1 and t2 was ultra cool....sci-fi but maybe a bit 'western' or something as well (the pea shooter always reminded me of the old west for whatever reason) a bit fantasy as well (with the manual t1 drawings)

t:v's art direction, quite frankly, sucked. along with most of the level design. but ..i still liked t:v, as well as t2 and t1. I know I am in the minority for liking all 3 games. I started out with Tribes, bought it in december of 1998 on winter break at college....i was bored, it was snowy and i had nothing to do. i knew nothing about the game but thought the box art (and shape) looked cool...i was a bit worried about the online only aspect, since i only had a dialup connection through my university. took it home, installed it...played it a bit...thought it was too hard, didn't understand what was going on, or even how to change armors or weapons (i wasn't big into reading manuals back then). so i put it down. then one day i was reallly really bored and read the manual front to back..and was amazed at all the stuff you could get (turrets, sensor jammers, etc) - got totally hooked on it and played every day. like most t1 vets at the time, i was eager for tribes 2. when it came out, i didn't like the slowed down speed but still did like the game. i was one of the lucky few without any UE errors. i stuck through t2 and one day finally switched from playing t1, to just playing t2. kept waiting for patch after patch, thinking each patch would make it better, that each coming patch would somehow make the game 'perfect'. the final classic patch was pretty close.

i enjoyed t:v in beta....but i knew it was bad news when the dedicated server was not released on release day. then i saw how much server resources the dedicated server took up and i pretty much knew that t:v wouldn't survive. it had pretty graphics, but the art direction was totally wrong for the tribes universe imho (prequel or not) - not something that affected sales i'm sure, just my own personal preference

before tribes, i mainly played adventure games (rise of the dragon was one of my favorite dynamix games)...tribes was the game that got me hooked on the fps genre.

anyway its great that so many tribes devs stopped by. we really needed something like this. a thread for the hall of fame for sure.
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A few answers to questions I saw since my last post:

Q: What is your biggest regret about your time working on the Tribes franchise?

A: The way it ended. Not being able to tell folks how frustrated I was about the buggy state of the game, having to be the captain going down with the ship, watching the community lose faith in me because I couldn't explain anything, and (without trying to seriously kiss ass here), having to leave the best gaming community it's ever been my privelege to be part of. Tribes Community was riotously creative and a pleasure to work for...especially when paid in beer.
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

This just makes me happy. I am so glad this thread came around. I love all you (the community and the devs and the producers and EVERYONE! Even NoFiX).

let's all remember the hay days and review that golden demo you have of that one match and talk strategy with the boys one last time. Oh, and watch Legacy again to boot.

While I don't want to in any shape or form, this thread is really helping me cope with the death of Tribes.


What a simply amazing thread, we just need the likes of KP to show up and chime in a little bit and this would be sealed as perhaps the greatest thread in history. We just need to find out a way to remove Reggs as the creator.
What a simply amazing thread, we just need the likes of KP to show up and chime in a little bit and this would be sealed as perhaps the greatest thread in history. We just need to find out a way to remove Reggs as the creator.

lol. Nah, Reggs needs credit for getting this thread going. He finally did something right. :bigthumb: