[WTF] Roommate dries himself with toilet paper...

My wife's family was raised that there's bacteria on towels once you use them, and they are not re-usable until washed........

I use the same one like 5 times before I wash it. They do about 10 loads of laundry a week, most of it towels.
he was obviously born w/o the ability to comprehend the concept of towels

he probably got in on some disability scholarship thingy
i think i wash my towels after 10 uses or something. Fuck, they're dry and dont smell like mold or wet something, then they're good.
My wife's family was raised that there's bacteria on towels once you use them, and they are not re-usable until washed........

I use the same one like 5 times before I wash it. They do about 10 loads of laundry a week, most of it towels.

wow incorrect knowledge is dangerous in the hands of the ignorant

do you realize how much power they waste?
i wash mine every sunday, so usually thats 5-7 washes.

I hang it up to dry after every use and it doesnt smell at all.

i am not phobic of germs, and i actually think getting some expose to them strenghtens your immune system. that family you talk of probably gets sick a lot.
The more germs you are exposed to the better. This is especially the case when you are young. Parents who are germaphobes end up with kids that have weaker immune systems. My immune system is superior to most, I get sick maybe once a year and it's nothing but a bit of a sore throat for a couple of days and a cold. I haven't had the stomach flue in well over a decade. It's tough being genetically superior. I'll be around long after everyone else has died from sars.