[WTF] Roommate dries himself with toilet paper...

beat him to death with all the empty cardboard rolls left over from going through TP every 2 days.
for my money dat nigga is lying. the tp wouldnt be in a wet pile like that if you dried yourself with it, it'd get shredded to shit.

i bet he's masturbating.
Because there's no way I'm going to ever hold a serious discussion with this kid about why he would do such a thing, I sat down and did some serious thinking about possible reasons.

The only real thing I could come up with is this: he doesn't like using towels because he's ocd and doesn't want to reuse the same thing to dry himself off with.

Granted, this is pure speculation, but I feel like using toilet paper is worse than a towel. The odds of getting poop particles on you seems really high. Plus, eww, it has to get all trapped in his crotch hair and shit.
Because there's no way I'm going to ever hold a serious discussion with this kid about why he would do such a thing, I sat down and did some serious thinking about possible reasons.

The only real thing I could come up with is this: he doesn't like using towels because he's ocd and doesn't want to reuse the same thing to dry himself off with.

Granted, this is pure speculation, but I feel like using toilet paper is worse than a towel. The odds of getting poop particles on you seems really high. Plus, eww, it has to get all trapped in his crotch hair and shit.
If he was OCD he probably wouldn't have any body hair down there, so your theory is looking better and better :D
You are a huge pussy for not setting him straight no matter how retarded he is.

You better at least make him buy all the TP and clean up after himself or you're worthless.
that theory is stupid, he could just wash the towel after every use, or have like 20 towels, and be a normal ocd person
You are a huge pussy for not setting him straight no matter how retarded he is.

You better at least make him buy all the TP and clean up after himself or you're worthless.

Well, the tp is free; you just pick it up at the front desk. And he puts all his nasty tp mess in the trashcan. So, other than maybe having to pick up the tp myself, which doesn't happen too often, I almost feel like it's none of my business. But then I'm like :huh: :rofl: :scared: I can't help but feel like it's my business in some way or another.