worst night ever

1. You should've drunk a lot of beer.

2. Have her call the cops and tell them that your older brother is force feeding you alcohol.

3. Cops show up, show them the duct tape, the empty beer cans and yourself drunk.

4. Laugh as the cops cart your brother and his friends off to jail.
i'd beat the shit out of them with a golf club

or just call the cops and tell them you have tresspassers and scream harassment and shit and get them arrested

i bet that would sit real well with the marine dude
First off - change the locks on the house.

Second - What the FUCK are 21/22 year olds (my age) doing acting like a bunch of children? Were they wearing helmets and spit bibs?

Third - CHANGE THE LOCKS. Mail your mom or dad or whoever a copy of the new key, and tell your brother to go fuck himself with a bear cock.
Dude wtf if I was your brother's friends, I would be rootin for an 18 year old to fuck a soph in college, not ruin it for him.
As mentioned, change the locks.

Next time they come, snipe them from an upstairs window with a BB/airsoft/paintball gun. Maybe some bottle rockets as well.

Then never leave your house.
Excel said:
Bullshit, alcohol doesnt devolve people into 16 year old girls at a slumber party.

alcohol makes people spray fire extinguishers in their own face

yes this actually happened
That sucks unt

I'm worried about the situation with your mom, that's pretty shitty of her to leave you alone

and yes you should follow the advice from this thread next time it happens

and be sure to take pics
BeavisNuke said:
I'm worried about the situation with your mom, that's pretty shitty of her to leave you alone

you're not worried, cmon

btw, he probably enjoys having the house to himself (except for last night HEHE). he's not a baby.
btw, you have drugs/alcohol to thank for that lovely evening just as much as you do your brother's friends' asshole personalities