[Wii] Help Me find one in Canada pls.

Here in Victoria it has been wierd. I think that interest is declining. A buddy of mine showed up at Zellers at 7am for an 8am opening and was only the second one there. It filled up faster after that point but seemed like more of an afterthought. They only had 3.

The other Zellers here in Vic had 5 and 4 kids lined up at 11pm the night before. But there wasn't a lot of big lining up.

Like a lot of people, I'm pretty sure I won't get one very soon. It just doesn't seem worth it to stand outside all night long... I guess I haven't reached desperation.
You can call stores and find out if they have anything. But if you know there is going to be a flyer, call the night before and find out how many units they actually have for release the following day.

EB is a tough one because they get drop shipments (random) between tues-thurs and they don't know when they come or what will be on them. Nintendo is shipping direct via couriers.

Futurshop is a bunch of fuckers and won't tell you if they have any, even if they are holding them for the end of the week like they did last week. They got their shipment on Monday and held them until Friday and said they had none. Hell the Wii wasn't even in their flyer. They were just using the morning release to get into the news. BB stated that was what they were doing a couple of weeks ago so I guess FS was told to do it too. The manager at FS said they weren't going to do that anymore but I don't really believe him.

Zellers and Walmart have gotten very few since release compared to the above retailers. They too seem to be holding stock until flyers.

Of course all this info is really only applicable to Victoria as I haven't really bothered finding info for out of town. From the brief glances I have had at larger boards it seems pretty consistent with other town.
Here in Victoria it has been wierd. I think that interest is declining. A buddy of mine showed up at Zellers at 7am for an 8am opening and was only the second one there. It filled up faster after that point but seemed like more of an afterthought. They only had 3.

The other Zellers here in Vic had 5 and 4 kids lined up at 11pm the night before. But there wasn't a lot of big lining up.

Like a lot of people, I'm pretty sure I won't get one very soon. It just doesn't seem worth it to stand outside all night long... I guess I haven't reached desperation.
Or maybe most of the people willing to wait overnight to get a Wii have one by now.
My friend's got one that he's selling, but its not for retail. You'll have a hard time finding one by christmas, apparently as far as canada goes, all the Wii's are going to either BC or Southern Ontario. In Thunder Bay, the whole town gets maybe 10 a week.
Nintendo should know that here up north we have nothing better to do than play videogames

it's -30 outside.. i'm gonna buy either a 360 or a wii for christmas.. depending if the wii is available :p
i love australia.

i rocked up on launch day. 10 min before store opened. Was first in queue. When they opened there was then about 10 people behind me. They had about 10. I think everyone got one, dunno, i went home with mine before they all got served.

none of this camping out rubbish.
i love australia.

i rocked up on launch day. 10 min before store opened. Was first in queue. When they opened there was then about 10 people behind me. They had about 10. I think everyone got one, dunno, i went home with mine before they all got served.

none of this camping out rubbish.

yes because australia is the reason that the store didnt have a line, more like everyone is to poor there to buy one w/o a thriving economy like ours
yes because australia is the reason that the store didnt have a line, more like everyone is to poor there to buy one w/o a thriving economy like ours

yeah everyone in australia is poor, and economy sucks. please start sending us aid. :rolleyes:

our economy is going along fine, sure it was a little better a year or 2 ago. But its certainly not going badly. And wait, you live in the U.S don't you slogg? both canada and australia don't have anyone living below the poverty line (or at least a very measurable amount) according to CIA. but the U.S has 12%. yeah, guess we don't have as many poor people either.

yes logic above isn't 100% sound.... but more so then slogg's. even with me saying something good about canada.. eww..
hmm, i dont think much of the above post has any credibility

but go play your wii, i would if i were in your position
You didn't camp out at Future Shop last night? You should've... they all got shipments and sold/are selling them this morning.
Zellers and Walmart have gotten very few since release compared to the above retailers. They too seem to be holding stock until flyers.

Of course all this info is really only applicable to Victoria as I haven't really bothered finding info for out of town. From the brief glances I have had at larger boards it seems pretty consistent with other town.

I've seen them being advertised in flyers in the Edmonton area. They've been in them since the Wii was launched. Wal-Mart, Zellers, Futureshop and Best Buy have all had them.
my friend ere in London ON wants to sell one for $360, he hasnt even opened it, I think hes short on cash and wants the money now insted of waiting for ebay
Well hes wanting to sell it for 360 here, shipping would probably be extra, whatever it is to get it from here to destination....