Why is fox news the only one reporting WMD's found in Iraq?

TonyElTigre said:
It was on cnn yesterday, back when it was new news.

So unless we find an enriched armed nuclear warhead aimed at America with 4 seconds left on the countdown the WMD's dont count. This is what liberals do, they say prove it and when you do they claim you havent proved it enough.

Why does it have to be left vs. right?

WTF is wrong with you people, can't you see the TRUTH here... Stop taking sides and just see it for what it is.
Look at it this way...

If you rented an apartment that was occupied by a drug dealer 20 years ago and a raid of your apartment found 20 year old weed in a wall vent does that mean you had an active drug distribution program?

of course not.
cogzinofa said:
Look at it this way...

If you rented an apartment that was occupied by a drug dealer 20 years ago and a raid of your apartment found 20 year old weed in a wall vent does that mean you had an active drug distribution program?

of course not.
cogzinofa said:
because it's not news. these are 20 year old weapons from the Iran-Iraq war and not indications of active and dangerous WMD programs.

if anything it's an indication of sloppy and bad bookkeeping, not WMD programs that were active in the past 6 years.

So what the fuck is going to make all you left wing idiots happy then? We don't find them = he lied. We find them = not good enough.

If they blow up Chicago what are you retards going to say? Wrong city? Could have been worse? Chicago was full of blacks so bush is a racist?
Kowboy said:
So what the fuck is going to make all you left wing idiots happy then? We don't find them = he lied. We find them = not good enough.

If they blow up Chicago what are you retards going to say? Wrong city? Could have been worse? Chicago was full of blacks so bush is a racist?
evidence of a WMD program that was active in the past 6 years...you know, LIKE THE ADMINISTRATION TOLD US THEY HAD.

jesus fuck, you goddamn moron. yes, we know Iraq HAD a WMD program. we know they HAD WMD.

we weren't told "OMG they had WMD 20 years ago WE MUST ATTACK!!!"


can you tell the difference between those two statements, or are you fucking retarded?
What's worse than a politically-motivated entity over-simplifying an issue is the willingness of an ignorant populace to accept said over-simplification.

It's bad enough that news organizations ignore important details in order to serve a political agenda that they should not have, without you people actually buying into it.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Don't blindly believe everything you read in the news.

Those pathetic excuses for "WMDs" don't measure up even by ONE PERCENT to the pre-war descriptions of mass production facilities for WMDs, mobile chemical weapons factories, enormous hidden caches holding thousands of chemical weapons and delivery systems, etc. Nor do they lend any credibility to claims of nuclear weapons development.

Stop thinking that the smoke being blown up your asses is some sort of epiphany-producing enema.

God, I hate partisan lemmings. Grow a brain you fucking conservative/liberal/fascist/socialist/foxnews/cnn/wah/wah/mysiderocks/yoursidesucks divisive dickheads.

The Republicans don't care about you. The Democrats don't care about you.

Bill O'Reilly wants to fuck you in the mouth. Michael Moore wants to fuck you in the ass.

Give up your stupid fucking party allegiances, and start being the fucker instead of the fuckee.

Big Dick Dudley said:
but you woulda had some fine herb to party with.
not if it was moldy and stale and mostly decayed.

maybe a better example would be a bottle of cheap booze that turned to vinegar. yeah, it'll still fuck you up, but not in the intended way.
Bush said there were active weapons programs, active stockpiles. Neither of those are proven true by this "news" report... and I use that term loosely.

The Iraqis hid a lot of stockpiles after the Gulf War when they were evading inspectors. The inspectors found a lot of their cache's via paper trails, so the Iraqis kept fewer and fewer paper trails. One of the UNSCOM inspectors said it was his belief that there were likely many stockpiles the Iraqis no longer knew about, much less UNSCOM. In either case, the DOD official noted they were beyond their shelf life and not usable in a militarized form.

So I'm really not sure what you think this proves.
mznthrope said:
I'll be they were really easy to identify. They're probably the ones we sold them.
if they were still in the original packaging you could so totally ebay them for BLING BLING
so what i want to know is:

what kind of pathetic zitfaced armchair politico-nerd does it take to actually want to rehash the retardedly stupid WMD (YES/NO) argument on a video gaming forum using articles that don't even support their point of view?
Bounty said:
Give up your stupid fucking party allegiances, and start being the fucker instead of the fuckee.


While I agree, where does that leave us?
All that's left is to go smoke lots of pot and live in a tree.
who would have guessed a guy named Kowboy would post anything other than redneck white trash dribble when his holy savior's, george bush's policies are questioned :rofl:
Boomyguy said:
While I agree, where does that leave us?
All that's left is to go smoke lots of pot and live in a tree.
if you do that while they're trying to chop down the tree they call you an extreme leftist hippie.
i cant believe i used to watch foxnews... although i knew it was biased bullshit, i am ashamed to have called it entertainment. this is similar to my short jerry springer phase /closet