Why does val have child porn

jfc let that shit go

we all kno that women are str8 up fishing for a smack like 99% of the time; it gets them horny

SAFEST BET IN THE WORLD: the next woman you see deserves at least 500 smacks in the mouth for her lifetime sins of running the ho playbook and has ~at best~ received only one in her lifetime

prove me wrong :cool:
hope you can hold your excitement for like...ever.

I just won't ever hit a woman..

There are exceptions I imagine. A woman drowning kids or something else far fetched..
they want equal rights, then that comes with equal lefts imo

PS Scooby is an old fucking angry boomer lmao
Scoobs is a cool guy...also a thief (you know I'm kidding buddy)

This thread is crazy uncomfortable.

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i'd also be afraid of data if i were liberal
i'd be afraid of data if i were a nonwhite

and i'm personally afraid of data irl b/c vanster of tw fame made me feel insecure about numbers and math and shit

but tbh what scares me most about data is how people always refer to them in the singular

See, this guy gets it.