Why does val have child porn

KittyCuck aka Jason Kotz of Chicago, IL serial rapist of the elderly tryna call people out on Tribal War forums.

You guys are stupid if you think some party prank has any significance at all. Guys will be guys; clearly something women beaters and rapists don't have a clue about.
KittyCuck aka Jason Kotz of Chicago, IL serial rapist of the elderly tryna call people out on Tribal War forums.


yes lets chalk up a made up autistic rape meme vs actual photo evidence of balls on a forehead as a win

oooh boi
KittyCuck aka Jason Kotz of Chicago, IL serial rapist of the elderly tryna call people out on Tribal War forums.


I haven't seen you make a post where you were happy about something in more than 10 years. Lots of right-wingers on here (okay, all of them) threaten things all the time, and I dismiss most of it as computer chair swagger.

You're the one that I'm a bit scared of. I don't think you'd ever come after me personally, I'm a very little fish. But I get a strong Timothy McVeigh vibe coming from you. You aren't the same as the others.
Always hijacking threads to make them about yourself and ignoring this threads true purpose .

Typical Boomer mindset .
I haven't seen you make a post where you were happy about something in more than 10 years. Lots of right-wingers on here (okay, all of them) threaten things all the time, and I dismiss most of it as computer chair swagger.

You're the one that I'm a bit scared of. I don't think you'd ever come after me personally, I'm a very little fish. But I get a strong Timothy McVeigh vibe coming from you. You aren't the same as the others.

haha Pot Kettle black

You whine more than a toddler with a skinned knee. Also Data is a cool dude so your "feelings" are about as accurate as your self proclamation of how smart you are.
You guys are stupid if you think some party prank has any significance at all. Guys will be guys; clearly something women beaters and rapists don't have a clue about.

You're dismissing what Baron went through.
haha Pot Kettle black

You whine more than a toddler with a skinned knee. Also Data is a cool dude so your "feelings" are about as accurate as your self proclamation of how smart you are.

I'm not afraid of you.
I'm afraid of data.

This is the most sober I've seen you post in a while. What happened?

I respect you, and I take you seriously. You're mad, and I don't think this needs to go to FBI level.

Is there a level you you can talk to, that you know?
I'm not afraid of you.
I'm afraid of data.

i'd also be afraid of data if i were liberal
i'd be afraid of data if i were a nonwhite

and i'm personally afraid of data irl b/c vanster of tw fame made me feel insecure about numbers and math and shit

but tbh what scares me most about data is how people always refer to them in the singular