Why do people commit suicide?

They might be logical in their studies, but anyone who commits suicide is obviously succumbing to blinding emotion. It may be difficult coupled with brains prone to depression, but I honestly believe you can think yourself out of any depressing situation. If your reason for living is being successful in life, you've got your priorities mixed up. That's my opinion, of course. And being successful is important if you want to lead a richer life, but there's got to be a point where you can take a step back.

My opinion is based on all the shit I've gone through in my life, maybe people have had it worse, and maybe I'm only 19, but it works for me.
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Searagemor said:
Then how come everyone doesn't do it, even though everyone feels pain?

Some people feel way more pain than others, don't commit suicide or do drugs. I'm calling anyone who does it a pussy, I'm just wondering at the wide gap.

your an idiot, jeezus

the reasons for suicide are as varied as the people who commit it

there is not one single reason and there is not one type of person who you can finger out
meh I'm all mixed up

ok, my personal opinion is that it differs from person to person greatly. Too complicated to think about right now, I'm out
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Animal said:
meh I'm all mixed up

ok, my personal opinion is that it differs from person to person greatly. Too complicated to think about right now, I'm out

that's still emotional pain

failing at a top school it makes you feel inedequate, worthless, against everything you've taught your whole life, and worst of all you think your life is over once you get a few bad grades a semester and the pressure just mounts after that

you really wouldn't understand it until you've been put in that situation
Unless you've ever been irrational (whether from depression or some other mental problem, or just a fuckton of stress, or whatever), and realized that the thoughts you were thinking DID NOT MAKE OBJECTIVE SENSE but you couldn't help thinking that way anyway, then there's no point even asking why someone would kill themselves, because you won't really understand the answer.

Anyone who's been there probably doesn't need to ask the question, even if they've never actually been suicidal.
ive contemplated it but i knew in some amount of time (however short or long) i would be happy again, and i wouldn't want to be dead then
Durak said:
that's still emotional pain

failing at a top school it makes you feel inedequate, worthless, against everything you've taught your whole life, and worst of all you think your life is over once you get a few bad grades a semester and the pressure just mounts after that

you really wouldn't understand it until you've been put in that situation
ya totally
"ok, my personal opinion is that it differs from person to person greatly."
what makes someone else suicidal might not make sense to us normals. :p I kid.
Searagemor said:
Then how come everyone doesn't do it, even though everyone feels pain?

Some people feel way more pain than others, don't commit suicide or do drugs. I'm calling anyone who does it a pussy, I'm just wondering at the wide gap.
well in my post i specifically mentioned that some people don't need help because they have the mental tools to deal with sadness or emotional anxiety

all people are raised differently, and many people have different brain chemistry
Since this is a let your thoughts out thread, here's my theory on fear;
Fear is a natural tool to help us run from danger (ZOMG SABRETOOTH!)
In the environment we live in today, we don't necessarily have to deal with "sabretooth" situations very much, so the fear comes out in other ways like work/relationship/general anxiety. It's one of the problems of modern life. An example of a huge blessing and a huge curse.
childhood friend of mine pulled the trigger after he was sent home from the army (forget what its technically called, but was going crazy during boot camp), failing at community college, and then working at a merchandising warehouse (horrible job). probably saw every opportunity he had as a young adult fail him, he was 22 or so.
My father and both grandfathers shot themselves by the time i was 19, I do believe it to be an act of weakness.
I can understand being real sad, but it's funny and ironic some decide to kill themselves over stuff that seems stupid, other people don't want to die but end up killed in accidents, and bumbs and paralyzed people continue living anyway. It's like wtf?!