why do cats suck

Hate cats.

They have a "me only" attitude. Here, you can pet me but only when I want. Whereas a dog always gives affection and does what it's told if trained properly.

Not a hillybilly.

Not scratched in face or anything. Just thinks cats are stupid.

So what you're saying is that a cat is very much like a "ho" and has their own playbook. They play by their rules and not yours.

Have fun letting your dog out several times to piss and shit and then having to find that shit and scoop it up so you don't step in it later. Dogs also can't be left alone for a weekend while a cat can. Cats will just lounge around the house while a dog would piss and shit everywhere since they wouldn't be able to go outside unless you have a doggie door which is a great way for people to get into your house.
the reason i don't like cats, other than the obvious annoying traits they have, is that they are a woman/girl's pet. seriously the only people who own them are old ladies and little girls.

there is a reason women own tiny dogs, they want something that looks and feels like a cat but with more playful qualities.

in conclusion, you are likely a pussy if you own a cat instead of a dog, or a tiny dog.
Hate cats.

They have a "me only" attitude. Here, you can pet me but only when I want. Whereas a dog always gives affection and does what it's told if trained properly.

Not a hillybilly.

Not scratched in face or anything. Just thinks cats are stupid.

hilly billy :rofl:
naptown has this whole irritating fakepost thing down pat, only posting the most annoying and abrasive shit he can come up with
Some cats are social, some are solitary - weird?

I found even fish have personalities.

Unlike some people here.
I have a cat, an outdoor cat. I have not fed it for a week before, it just went hunting on its own and was fine. I am pretty sure that a dog would have just died. Lack if independence makes them annoying to me. I don't have a pet for unconditional love, I have it to make things more interesting, like a interactive painting.
i hate my girlfriend's cat because


the cat doesn't stfu and meows constantly
he also becomes super active and won't stop jumping around our faces and general area...

no matter how much i try to wear him down during the day

friggin' piece of crap

and stop running into the closet every time i open it to get some clothes

and stop falling in the toilet

and stop throwing QTIPS from the trash into the toilet

and stop eating the toilet paper


My cat listens to me, he comes when I call him and he understands "get down". That's all I need for him to understand. He's an extremely tolerant cat. My daughter manhandles him all day long and he has never once scratched her though he has bitten her lightly a few times. He doesn't bite quickly, so it's not like you have no warning.
He likes to play fetch half-way. He'll chase the ball if you throw it, but don't expect him to bring it back and he likes cat fishing. I put a catnip mouse on a leader and tie it up to my daughters fishing pole and cast it to the back of the dining room from the couch. I taught my little one to side arm cast it so she's not knocking things off the shelves. She also has a nice underhand cast to hit spots under the table.
I love dogs but I can't stand little dogs. I don't know about you guys but all my cat's have been very affectionate.

Ching would wake me up when I'm sleeping just to climb under the covers and sleep next to me.

Chow would jump into my lap to play and be pet.

Twiggy, cat we found in the middle of winter starving to death, is the most aloof but she will follow me around to be pet and will even give little love bites on my hand when I pet her just right.

Ceaser is our oldest cat and is loves being pet and cuddled with.

Yoshi is the idiot of the household. She was playing with a string attached to a fan above the staircase and she fell down the stairs. She also is the most vocal and annoying but loves to be picked up to lay on ones shoulder.

Duchess is our Boxer, dog, and I love her to death though she will be passing on sometime soon as she is 9yrs old.
As long as they are trained properly, dogs are way more fun and better companions than cats. I also like that I can play rough/wrestle around with my dog and she won't scratch the shit out of me.

Also, they just look cooler:

... and he likes cat fishing. I put a catnip mouse on a leader and tie it up to my daughters fishing pole and cast it to the back of the dining room from the couch. I taught my little one to side arm cast it so she's not knocking things off the shelves. She also has a nice underhand cast to hit spots under the table.
:lol: I used to do that with my (recently dide) cat. I'd once received a shipping carton containing numerous 1"x1"x1 foot foam packing pieces. I tied them all together with fishing line at the middle so it became this weird many-armed foam urchin. I'd cast it from the living room into the kitchen and reel back a cat. :rofl:

Fucker loved that thing until one session ended and I put the pole down against a table, cat still attached. Cat lay there tired for a while then nonchalantly got up to walk away, took four steps and suddenly realized the urchin was persuing it (fishing line was wrapped around cats butt, dragging the urchin along.) The cat freaked and shot off towards the kitchen with the urchin right on its heels.

I hear a BLAM! as the cat hit the cabinet doors and nothing more. I look into the kitchen and the cat is curled up in the corner, not moving a hair, on its side flat against the floor, ears back and eyes bulging. The urchin was standing sentry over it, keeping it trapped in the corner.

I freed it with some difficulty and the cat shot off to who-knows-where for a good number of hours.

I hadn't laughed that hard and that long at anything in a good long while. :rofl:
Cats are relativley low maintenance. I'll probably get a cat before a dog simply because I dont think I'll want to pay attention to it all the time. Cats need the personal time and so do i.
dogs are great for people with low self esteem, who need something to dominate. Cats are good for people confident in themselves, who are able to deal with a social animal with its own personality.