why do cats suck

“Cats are silent, and have few tells. But in the end, they will always reveal themselves to be creatures with absolutes."
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Cats are idiots
Cats are boring
Cats get fat easier
Cats don't show emotion
Cats can go into psycho claw/hiss/bite mode easily

Kittens are awesome, on the other hand.

I've always been a dog lover, [strike]but I would go as far as saying that kittens are more fun than puppies.[/strike] But no way in hell would I ever have a cat over a dog. I'd rather have nothing than a cat

Agree with my edited version.
Cats don't show emotion

My cat disagress with you:


He's 9 years old and still plays. Far from boring or being an idiot. He always shows emotion when he's purring and kneeding simply just when I pet him.
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i don't see the point in having a cat
they are boring, they don't do anything

its not like im going to go out for a run with my cat. Or take my cat to the park to play frisbee while picking up fine ladies. All they do is leave dead birds in my yard and wander around the neighborhood to either make more cats or get hit by cars.

some places around me are starting up leash laws for cats and I applaud this.
I think that most of the criticism of cats comes from people who know nothing about how the display emotions/moods.

I grew up with Siamese cats, and a dog as well, and I find dogs needy beyond simply being annoying. Dogs are freakin obnoxious assholes that don't know when to shut up. To me, the seem less loyal, and more obsessed. Cats are aloof, which suits me fine. It's like they have actual personalities. You also don't need to train a cat to shit in the right place, and when they like you they bring you tribute in the form of things they kill. When they are mad, you know because they put thumbtacks in your shoes (happened to a friend of mine) or something like that.

My cat also took ears as trophies from other cats he beat up.

cats > dogs IMO
yeah cats are well known for their loyalty

dont cats eat their young

Did anyone mention cats loyalty?

I have never seen a cat eat its young. My cat had half a dozen litters of kittens and that never happened. What they do is eat the afterbirth, which the kittens are covered in, and many people see them doing this and think they're chowing down on the kids, but I don't think they eat their young as a rule. Of course, someone could google this and prove me wrong...
Dogs are all needy and shit. Good for people with low self-esteem. Cats, well you gotta be emotionally healthy to own a cat. He'll eat you when you die, and he's not there to help you through the rough patches.