Why are hippies upset about the bomb clock kid

that is because fusion has electrolytes dummy


and electrolytes are what plants crave.

but this really does have little to do with liberal/conservative imo....it has to do with people scared of technology, things they don't understand, and people who are borderline too dumb to breath. a convergence of paranoia, from what they see on tv, and being ignorant of any and all intellectual curiosity.

had this clock been shaped like a gun liberals would toss the kid under the buss too (unless the inventor was black). so give it a fucking break already....the kid would be rotting in jail if he wasn't given a pseudo terrorist name. if there weren't white guilt tears for them to shed over this. the only reason this kid gets to go to the WH is because Obama feeds on this guilt. It defines and is the definition of his Presidency.
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and cell phones. cell phones are commonly used as triggering devices. anyone who has an old cell phone (not an android or iphone) is probably just looking for a bomb to attach it to.
Arrest a kid for making a gun with his fingers, building a clock, etc. but don't arrest bullies for physical assault because they're troubled and you'll hurt their self esteem.
lol i made a 5ft wide crossbow out of a cross country ski and a garage door opener cable in wood shop till some teacher got butthurt and said I couldn't do it a day before the project was due for physics. So I got an A for doing nothing.

They're like "we can't have that sort of thing here"... then why are we practicing archery in phys ed using compound bows?
It had wires and the kids was Muslim, that's the extent of their understanding. Worse, the school KNEW it wasn't a bomb; had they suspected a bomb, they would have had EMS bring in a bomb squad to examine it. Instead, they just had him arrested, to the hooting and clapping of Texans that believe the government is using contrails to manipulate their behavior.
Building a "hoax bomb" with the intent of pretending that it is a "real bomb", is illegal.

That's why they arrested him. They weren't able to prove malicious intent, so they dropped all the charges.

Was arresting him excessive? Probably, especially since he told several other teachers prior to the one that called the cops, "Hey, look at this clock I made." Was "perp walking" him in handcuffs out of the school in view of God and everyone excessive? Definitely, hence the outcry.

I asked this in a different thread, but I'll repeat it here: If you saw that clock sitting at the back of a bus or under some bleachers at a public event, what would your reaction be? Would you say, "neat clock" and pick it up for a closer look, or would you scream "BOMB!" and hightail it the fuck out of there?

It's all about context.
the only time I've ever seen a bomb is in a movie. one time the bomb was actually filled with strawberry syrup. another time it wasn't. I figure I'd play it safe and let someone who knows what a bomb looks like figure out of its a bomb or strawberry syrup.
it would have gone the same way no matter where it happened, new york, california, chicago, etc.

and you fucking know it, so just stop

Yeah, idiocy is rampant. You're right. I retract. There's a lot of things to jab Texas for, but this ain't one of them.
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