Who's seeing Harry Potter 3 this weekend?

Pagy said:
gibsonic, im going to my sister's baptist wedding this weekend where i will be unable to dull my pain with alchol... can u believe a "dry wedding"?

i'm also excited to meet some in-laws... i hear they're going to drive me nuts :)

are you in the wedding party? what about the bachelor party for your new brother in law, how did that go?

spike the drinks during the rehearsal dinner and nail one of the bridesmaids the night before the wedding...that should keep things interesting during the proceedings the next day.

I feel ya though, i hate protestant church weddings, that's why mine was very simple, short, small, and sweet... catholic wedding receptions on the other hand are quite the party...especially if they are cajun.
Probably not...I see most movies the weekend they close

That way I have the theatre to myself and I can use the laser pointer on the screen. I do usually get the DVDs as gifts, and I'm sure this is no exception.
Durak said:
Oh btw. Similarities: Trolls, Magic, persistent Evil-Doer, young kid (relative for a hobbit that is :) ) saving the world from certain doom, the list goes on. Have you ever even picked up a LOTR book?

That is called the fantasy genre, there are tons of books in it, and they are not all ripoffs of LOTR, I got bad news for you, but this genre was around before LOTR was written even.

I'm a huge fan of LOTR and tried to find books like it, unsuccessfully of course.

Anyways, I will likely see this Harry Potter movie.

BTW when did nerd become so mainstream?
gibsonic said:
are you in the wedding party? what about the bachelor party for your new brother in law, how did that go?

spike the drinks during the rehearsal dinner and nail one of the bridesmaids the night before the wedding...that should keep things interesting during the proceedings the next day.

I feel ya though, i hate protestant church weddings, that's why mine was very simple, short, small, and sweet... catholic wedding receptions on the other hand are quite the party...especially if they are cajun.
there was no bachelor party, these people suck

and there is only a man of honor and a maid of honor... and the maid of honor is my little sister :ugh:

i'm mc'ing the reception though, woot
I am going to go see Harry potter too! IM 19, a lot of attractive females at my school like betty crocker too!
I'll be seeing it with my girlfriend, her sister, and her sister's kids. I like the books, and I moderately enjoyed the last two movies.

I'm a rabid fan of Tolkien too, so to each his/her own.

BTW when did nerd become so mainstream?

When Hot Topic successfully marketed it to a bajillion stupid people. Myself included. :( Its a really good MegaMan t-shirt!
Saw it on monday morning :]

better than the first 2 for sho. New director was a great improvement if you ask me, although from what I've read it sounds like he was less familiar with the material than columbo. It also helped that PoA is the bset book by far...

Radcliffe pissed me off like crazy, but less frequently than the last two. Sirius was a disapointment, Lupin was... tolerable.

The CG looked fine to me. The animals, which must be the hardest part to get looking photorealistic, were ok IMO, but there were still parts where they seemed a bit off.

I'd give it 3/5
[MoM] Gort said:
Huh-uh. I'm on "hype-free" until Friday. No reviews, no new trailers, nada.
I was that way with LOTR. But yeah I know what you mean, I didn't read any reviews, just checked the percentage :)
i dont think so

my 13 year old niece wants to see it but apparently tickets at the local theater are sold out for the next month. she had the sense to ask me just to download it so she and her friends can watch it. in less than 5 minutes i found it and joined the queue. gotta love the internet

edit: sorry i lied
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Yea it was definitely better than the first 2 movies, and the plot was more interesting than just "hey lookie i'm a boy wizard" (but you already knew that if you read the book :))

i'd give it 3.5/5

on another note, those actors/actresses sure grew up fast...