Who's seeing Harry Potter 3 this weekend?

gibsonic said:
how's junior high going?
I'm 35, the wife is 40 and we're both going to be standing in line (with our 6-yr old, who is also a fan) early Friday morning. :)

Vanster said:
My own children say this series is shit. Ask them, it's utter shit. This, from kids used to watch fucking Barney and those retarted television pot-bellies or whatever that have the shapes attached to their heads. Complete shit. Won't see it, won't rent it.
Monkey-see, monkey-do. Bet they say "retarted", too.
Durak said:
Harry Potter is a shitty rip-off fantasy series of LOTR.
Just because it's a fantasy series, doesn't mean it's a rip-off of LOTR. The two are nothing alike. Oh, wait. They both have wizards. :rolleyes:
I tried to read the first book after having read LOTR a few months before. I couldn't stand the first chapter. Imo it was trying too hard to be like LOTR (appeal to kids and adults) and ended being just really annoying.
Oh btw. Similarities: Trolls, Magic, persistent Evil-Doer, young kid (relative for a hobbit that is :) ) saving the world from certain doom, the list goes on. Have you ever even picked up a LOTR book?
I don't like harry pooter...

my kid didn't use to but all of a sudden he thinks that he wants to take me to the movie because...

it is coming out on my birthday. he said it would make a nice present. I said for whom?

I don't want to go :(
Durak said:
I tried to read the first book after having read LOTR a few months before. I couldn't stand the first chapter. Imo it was trying too hard to be like LOTR (appeal to kids and adults) and ended being just really annoying.
To each his own. :shrug:

In my opinion, LOTR never tried to appeal to both kids and adults. It's a very adult read (what with all the big, made-up words and all ;) ), and the plot line would be lost on most 9-11 year olds. Potter had nice simple language, plots that a 9-11 year old could follow and had enough twists to entertain adults.

It really is like comparing apples and oranges.

Edit: Oh, and I read "The Hobbit" in 1975-76, and the LOTR series in junior high, 1980-81.
Tolkien wrote all the books for his kids. Most people I know read the books when they were in middle school and enjoyed them immensly. Like I said, have you even read them? Kids have and will enjoy LOTR. Maybe not for the same reasons adults do, but they would understand.

And btw, what's so hard to follow about the plot? Destroy ring, save the world. Kids will understand. Maybe they won't understand the whole Gondor/Rohan/Denethor/Aragorn bit, but hey, they don't need to enjoy the books.
Durak said:
Oh btw. Similarities: Trolls, Magic, persistent Evil-Doer, young kid (relative for a hobbit that is :) ) saving the world from certain doom, the list goes on. Have you ever even picked up a LOTR book?
Have you ever read fantasy besides LOTR and Potter? There are a lot of "basic" similarities. And I mean very basic. There is a HUGE difference between the two, though.
Durak said:
Oh btw. Similarities: Trolls, Magic, persistent Evil-Doer, young kid (relative for a hobbit that is :) ) saving the world from certain doom, the list goes on. Have you ever even picked up a LOTR book?
you have no idea what you are talking about do you?
Ixiterra said:
Have you ever read fantasy besides LOTR and Potter? There are a lot of "basic" similarities. And I mean very basic. There is a HUGE difference between the two, though.
So true.

Ixxy, come on up to Dallas and I'll go see HP with you (IMAX version, natch). I'll even hold your hand if it gets too scary...
Durak said:
Tolkien wrote all the books for his kids. Most people I know read the books when they were in middle school and enjoyed them immensly. Like I said, have you even read them? Kids have and will enjoy LOTR. Maybe not for the same reasons adults do, but they would understand.

And btw, what's so hard to follow about the plot? Destroy ring, save the world. Kids will understand. Maybe they won't understand the whole Gondor/Rohan/Denethor/Aragorn bit, but hey, they don't need to enjoy the books.

yea, my kid is 10, he has read the trilogy is working on the sillmarillion and has also read most of the illustrated encyclopedia. He has a set of maps and knows middle earth better than he knows the US by now.

he is quickly becoming a tolkien geek and the part he likes best are the 'history' parts and who's who of middle earth.
[MoM] Gort said:
So true.

Ixxy, come on up to Dallas and I'll go see HP with you (IMAX version, natch). I'll even hold your hand if it gets too scary...
Ooo IMAX. Might have to go to the theater where I saw Reloaded and Revolutions. ;) Dunno if HP is worth the extra $2 and the 15 mile drive though.
I'll be seeing it if I can find one of my friends to go. They're not too excited about anything related to HP. I've finally got around to reading ootp. Hoping to finish it by friday.
I wasn't to thrilled with the first 2. That red headed kid bugs me. He's a shitty actor.
but my kids loved them both, got em on DVD and they've watched it many times.

This 3rd one, otoh, looks pretty good. Looks to be a bit scarier.
Hope so, cause I don't have a choice, I AM seeing it the day it comes out. :)