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can white ppl be niggers? i think so. i think whites is the new nigger and whites are the new niggers. #takethatwhiteman
TBH Arsin, I'm a pretty big fan of diversity. I would find it pretty boring if everyone looked the same and thought the same.
Tbh me too. At Thanksgiving my parents dinner table looks like the United Nations. I r married to an ethnic of unpurest bloodlines :)

Yet this contrasts to the fact that I wouldn't support immigration from most African and south east Asian countries (I'd almost blanket ban India and Pakistan), and I'd be highly selective about those we take in from the mid east.

So although I've married *gulp* an ethnic, I am still a racist. Aren't I?

Fun fact:
Due to our weather up here in frigid Canukistan, people's skin tones will get lighter and lighter ...
man i hate white ppl so much
but i hate white niggers more

but white niggers are white ppl

i dont think im racist either

just saying that white ppl suck and i hate them .