What is your worst memory of childhood?

How old is "childhood"?

Anyhoo, I guess the first time I had to wear bracers was p bad. But that's early teens.

Pre-teenage years, the worst I can remember is when I took my bike out to speed down this stupid piece of shit hill with a concrete road. I started going so fast that I panicked and decided to take a nice controlled graceful fall. It wasn't that graceful though, and I hit my head on the concrete. No concussion, but I did scrape some skin off and had to wear a bandage for a few days.
You know how quickly the boys found you … all those tedious sticky fumblings in the back seats of cars … while you could only dream of getting out … getting anywhere … getting all the way to the FBI
Oh wait, fuck no. Previous comment redacted.

Worst childhood experience are the family fucking holidays. Our parents' idea of a holiday is to get in a car and visit as many French cathedrals as possible in 2 weeks. I'd sit in a car for an hour or two, then walk around a cathedral for 30 mins. Repeat 5-10 times a day for 10 days. That shit was fucking mind numbing.
O boo fucking hoo. I had to eat broccoli so I became a serial killer. That'll show em, right Son of Sam?
When I was 17, my dog who by that point was 13 had bad hips and was getting old... one night he stepped in a hole he'd dug in the yard, his hip went out and when he fell he separated two of his mid vertebrae... was up with him all night, really nothing that could be done for him but stay near him.

In the morning, my parents had to get my little sisters off to school and get to work themselves, so I was tasked with taking our dog to the vet... because I didn't have to be to class till 0900.

There was really nothing they could do for him, he'd busted his spinal column, so the decision was made to put him down... I was next to him for the whole thing... and when it was over I had to go to class... I never made it to class that day, and caught all kinds of shit for it. (from both teachers and parents.)

Didn't care... I was numb through all of the flack thrown at me for skipping class... I had to watch my dog die.

And still to this day, nothing including the death of family members has hit me like losing my dog that day... the only thing that has come close in the last few years has been losing other pets.


in short, I fucking hate people, they have yet to prove themselves half as important to me as my pets have been.
I once saw a dog rip a kitten nearly in half and all its guts were on the driveway when the little kids who owned it came out, they saw it lying there mewing and bleeding with tubes everywhere. That was pretty rough. I cant quite remember if it was my friends dog or the kids dog that did it. It was night time and I was about 11 or so.

still recall it all the time, it was harsh

but didn't really hurt me personally I suppose, just a bad memory