What is the point of candlelight vigils/organized "sympathy".

You're missing the psychological aspects of what happened.* Beyond the numbers, beyond the who, the how and the why. Every college student now has to face the possibility that they'll go to class one day and get shot.

It parallels 9/11 in that there more to it than "how many"

* - I'll refer to how nada put it: "on a personal note, i find it quite sad you don't understand something so simple, so human."
It's also closer to home than starving children on another continent.

Just sayin'

That and it's quantifiable (ironically, I think 33 dead on a college campus, albeit smaller, is a lot more personal than 15,000,000 african babies, etc). But I didn't want to go there because his problem is bigger than that.
You're contending that the scale should matter, Dac.

It doesn't.

It's proximity that matters to people.

Yeah, I don't get it either, but you're really running against a dead end here. Spirituality is beyond the ability of logic to explain.
It's also closer to home than starving children on another continent.

Just sayin'

yes I agree, but the world is full of tragedies, this was a sad event to all but in perspective there is much worse that goes on every day we don't hear about on CNN or Fox news simply because people would get tired of it and change the channel.