What are the evolutionary benifits of slanty eyes?

FiEND said:

Sir Lucius said:
Also, are there any animals besides azns with slanty eyes too?
btw, i resent that, asshole!

can't believe no one picked up on the implication of what he said hehe
ZooL said:
ding ding ding

you win you are correct sir.

this is no longer the concern of this thread, nor has it been since page 1. it's all about blue penises and that scary fucking alien now.

I have squinty eyes and I'm scottish and norwegian. I also have 20/13 vision in both eyes, but they are sensitive to bright lights more so than most.
could you imagine getting drunk and waking up next to that??? you'd have a heart attack and die.
i wish i knew... i searched and searched and searched and havent found anything yet. prob had the pic over a year too, ran out of things to google for a long time ago.
That is one disturbing pic.

I wonder if that's some congenital defect or if there's a whole village of them running around.

Probably there's a grey in the woodpile.