Wellness Check

What I suggested to Sam is basically verbatim to what Dr recommended to me. Fail simple test time to go to Dr. If nothing found fucking great! If something found fuck, but you are at Dr where need to be.

We screw with one another here yes, but I dont want anything bad to happen to any of you.
What turned you gay was lack of money, who are you kidding. Watching CNN is also a side effect of having no money.
Old school under the nose. Mucinex worked at the end. She had to sleep propped up on pillows for a week.

Yeah brother. The ingredient in Mucinex that works is called guaifenesin. You can get that on it's own with different names. Picked up 3 bottles of 100 tabs for about 7.99 a bottle or something.

My cold kit:

Inhalers/Vicks, Acetaminophen(Tylenol), guaifenesin(Mucinex), zinc. That's it. Also, hot honey and lemons. (Thanks Brits) boil some water, put a huge dollop of honey in a mug, squeeze half a lemon into it then throw the half lemon in and pour the water over it.

Glad you guys are felling better :)
that sucks, i was gonna order one for when i have a cold. never need it otherwise ??

I used it daily at first because of the novelty. Then, I realized putting that much water up the nose wasn't helping anything. So, I use it about once per month now. However, if your nose is plugged, it's a little tricky. I am not sure putting more fluid up the schnoz is great when you are trying to dry it out.

They are pretty awesome when you get the hang of it though. I don't regret the purchase, I just limit my use.
I am now feeling better. The aches are gone but my lungs are still shitty and i am still completely congested. Constantly blowing my nose.

They wouldn't test me because i only had 9 out of the 10 symptoms required. :lol:

On March 10th, i spent an entire day at the Santa Clara building department trying to pull some building permits and for those that do not know, Santa Clara was the epicenter in Cali until LA took it over.

So while I cannot confirm if I had it or not, I believe i do/did.

I sat at my desk and worked a few hours on Monday morning and Tuesday morning for as long as I could, then went downstairs and slept. I had a massive sleepathon this past week. Lost almost 10 lbs due to no desire to eat or make food so... YAY? I still have no desire to eat anything. sigh...

I am going to try to work all day today but I cannot push it or I will never get better.
I am now feeling better. The aches are gone but my lungs are still shitty and i am still completely congested. Constantly blowing my nose.

They wouldn't test me because i only had 9 out of the 10 symptoms required. :lol:

On March 10th, i spent an entire day at the Santa Clara building department trying to pull some building permits and for those that do not know, Santa Clara was the epicenter in Cali until LA took it over.

So while I cannot confirm if I had it or not, I believe i do/did.

I sat at my desk and worked a few hours on Monday morning and Tuesday morning for as long as I could, then went downstairs and slept. I had a massive sleepathon this past week. Lost almost 10 lbs due to no desire to eat or make food so... YAY? I still have no desire to eat anything. sigh...

I am going to try to work all day today but I cannot push it or I will never get better.

Coffee will help with the congestion, sleep is good, and make yourself eat. Heal up well bro!
Went to Publix this morning. The shelves are slowly coming back in terms of what is being stocked. I got the Oatly Milk for $5.99, they had a few cartons. Found everything I wanted in produce.

^^^ Getting tested is actually difficult. In Broward (Fort Lauderdale) you have to be 65+, have trouble breathing, have a temp of 99+, have an appointment. 1st responders can go, they are filling the lines at all testing sites.
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If they didn't test samUwell with his prolonged conditions
or what NGFM is saying, then there really is no way to know how wide spread this shit is. Can't believe they didn't test samUwell.
Somehow in this mess I ended up with a new girlfriend and am getting more ass than ever before...if I die from 'RONA, at least I go out with a smile....

other than that, both jobs are shutdown...