Well, they nerfed Hemo.

compared to 10, it does rule. it's a great buff to white damage, and since tbc white damage has been a lot bigger source of damage for rogues in pvp
i guess if you have mad resilience and stam you can stand there and do white damage, but you wont do any damage comparable to classes that can actually use skills for DPS.
I just dont see it

I really don't see the point of hemo at all really, seems like a waste of energy if all it does is slightly boost white damage. It seems like i really dont spend much time at all dishing out white damage in arena, i always seem more restricted to bursts in and out of combat.

Now if they made hemo effect bleeds that might be cool, at least it would fit with the subtelty tree. Right now it just seems like a combat accessory stuck in the wrong tree
Bleed effects = no gouge/blind

I don't know about your gear/stats, but for me:

1550 ap, 237 weapon damage

2.3.2 hemo dpe (damage per energy) = 15.8
ar/prep sinister strike (imp ss & aggression) dpe = 15.9
full combat sinister strike (imp ss, aggression, surprise attacks, combat potency*) dpe = 19.9

That's not taking the damage debuff into account, but every successful white hit when the debuff is up is another 1.2 dpe for hemo. Hemo is hardly a waste of energy.

edit: added combat potency


I'm not sure if this is right, trying to calculate dpe from the extra hemo debuff damage from white hits.

2.6/(.76 + .09 - .2* + .025**) = 3.85 seconds per mainhand hit
1.5/(.76 + .09 - .2* + .025**) = 2.2 seconds per offhand hit

3.5 seconds per hemo

(3.5/3.85) * 42 = 38.2 damage
(3.5/2.2) * 42 = 66.8 damage

(38.2 + 66.8)/35 = 3 dpe

2.3.2 hemo = 18.8 dpe

assuming all that is correct, that's only 1.1 dpe less than full combat

*this is assuming my target has 20% total dodge/parry
**one point in weapon expertise
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They added a combo point to shadowstep though, thus completely fixing Sub!

That just seems like such a bad idea. The only nice thing about SSt, as far as I saw, was being able to quickly move to a caster to interrupt while keeping CPs on another target.

I guess it's a pve buff, but who the fuck goes that deep into sub to pve?
That just seems like such a bad idea. The only nice thing about SSt, as far as I saw, was being able to quickly move to a caster to interrupt while keeping CPs on another target.

I guess it's a pve buff, but who the fuck goes that deep into sub to pve?
No one. It's a red herring. People hate rogues, rogues got buffed, people whined, rogues get nerfed. The "buffs" to ShS in the last two patches are just lip service so they can make it look like they give a fuck.
Make it usuable unstealthed, lower cooldown to 20, allow use of an opener again within 6 sec timeframe. I'll be happy.

That makes it a viable damage line. Buffing hemo helps, but that's not enough. Sub's all about the openers, you have to allow them to reuse them through ShS imo to make it a viable line.
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