Well, they nerfed Hemo.

Anyone else catch this
Patch Notes said:
-The various Hallow’s End broom mounts now have their proper real-time (rather than game-time) duration of 14 days.

Does that mean what I think it means? And by that I mean it used to be 14 days or in-game time and they now reset it back to real time. Which will cause them all to start disappearing?
Fuck rogues. Oh, and fuck hunters that can scatter + aimed shot me from a foot away too. Everyone else falls over like all classes should.
Haven't seen a whole lot of rogues around levelling my pally. Come to think of it the only real ganker classes I see are mainly feral druids with a peppering of hunters and warlocks.
The damage debuff is also being increased, by how much hasn't been revealed yet. I wouldn't really call this a nerf as it's still better than pre-2.3, especially when they up the damage debuff even more.
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The damage debuff is also being increased, by how much hasn't been revealed yet. I wouldn't really call this a nerf as it's still better than pre-2.3, especially when they up the damage debuff even more.

Hopefully they add some ignore armor to the debuff, it would make it more raid viable without really giving it the pvp opness it currently has.
Hopefully they add some ignore armor to the debuff, it would make it more raid viable without really giving it the pvp opness it currently has.

Armor ignore is beyond OP in PvP.

Currently I'm rolling with ~1500 passive and it demolishes every caster, so funny.
Sigh. It was really fun while it lasted. I was running a 0/31/30 spec with maces (sun king + S2 OH), and I actually felt powerful and useful. I could even keep up with damage in the arenas.
Yeah, but a small amount on a debuff wont make a big difference in pvp, but it can make a differnce in pve.

A small amount won't really make a difference anywhere, and the only place I stack it is in PvP. In PvE, I'll have like ~700 or something when the gear I want finally drops (not counting proc from Madness). Most mobs in BC only have two armor totals though, not counting exceptions like RoS, so the the effectiveness of any amount of armor pen depends on the boss you're fighting.

Most people think you'll gain more benefit from using armor pen a very high armor target, which is where you'll see the LEAST benefit.
Yea..based upon my direct experience with AR-Prep-Hemo (in arena), I would still have a tough time pulling as much damage as other equal geared, pvp specced dps. I don't see how it is overpowered. Please explain.