Weight Lifting...Whats the word on cheap supplements?

Glare said:
anyone who doesnt use ON is wasting their money


champion nut. is cheaper and tastes better

i think they have identical stats, too

banana is fucking delicious
What you bought is worthless shit.

If you want good protein dont buy it at fucking wallmart.

If you want good protein ON is pretty good.

What i use is Xtreme Pro 5. Its time realease. Its awesome


Im currently taking green bulge by controlled labs and stacking it with whiteblood from controlled labs

its basically kre-aklyin the green bulge

and the whiteblood is ur NOX.

great stuff.
I've heard good things about gb/wb stack

This guy kept a log and had good results

www.fitnessone.com has some pretty good deals. Use coupon code GIFTFX5 for $5 off.

What carbs do you guys put in your pre-post shakes with ON? Other than milk and quaker oats, what can I put to up my carbs? Honey is a good source, but I can only put so much. Fruits and fructose aren't as highly recommended so...what, just buy flavorless dex/maltodex (same as Equal) powder? I'm trying to get about 40-50g protein, and about 60+carb for my post WO...

2 scoops of ON is 50g protein. 1/2 cup of quaker oats is about 25 carbs...I ain't putting 1.5 cups of quakeroats in my PO. heh.

ON's gainer looks good and its freaking cheap too. Best of all it's only 65g a serving, not 120+ like cytogainer. That shit's good, but the serving size was huge and thick.
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ON is all right but it is overhyped IMHO. People are always sucking its dick like it is the best tasting stuff out. IMHO there is protein out their that tastes better that you can get for cheaper or atleas the same price.

All of Champion Nutrition's flavors(Espcially Banana, Cookies and Cream, and Vanilla) taste 10x better then ON.

www.trueprotein.com is cheaper and the "Black Star Labs" flavoring is way better then ON.

When www.1fast400.com has a sale on GF-Pro that stuff is awesome too. It is a pure whey isolate and most of the flavors are absolutely amazing. Orange Cream is the shit.

Another cheap place to get supplements is : http://www.giantnutrition.net/catalog/index.php
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I have done 2 cycles of the green bulge/ white blood and have just started my 2nd cycle of X-factor. End of the summer I will be doing a pheraplex cycle...405+ bench here I come.
costco's i second is the shit. Has better stats then ON is much cheaper as well. Also uses the same quality of protein and everyone has a costco nearby. Its called pro-rated
Clever said:
ON is all right but it is overhyped IMHO. People are always sucking its dick like it is the best tasting stuff out. IMHO there is protein out their that tastes better that you can get for cheaper or atleas the same price.

All of Champion Nutrition's flavors(Espcially Banana, Cookies and Cream, and Vanilla) taste 10x better then ON.

www.trueprotein.com is cheaper and the "Black Star Labs" flavoring is way better then ON.

When www.1fast400.com has a sale on GF-Pro that stuff is awesome too. It is a pure whey isolate and most of the flavors are absolutely amazing. Orange Cream is the shit.

Another cheap place to get supplements is : http://www.giantnutrition.net/catalog/index.php
zalientek said:
cheap supplements are exactly what they are. cheap to buy and cheap for your body.

eggo said:


not exactly, you actually have to look at the nutritional information on the supplement to see is exactly what's in it. USUALLY the cheaper it is, its mixed with other types of ingredients. Take whey protein for example. MANY companies just put WHEY PROTEIN into their powders just so they can say it contains whey protein, thus allowing it to sell better even if its only containing 5% whey. thus causing it to be less expensive.
If you're buying anything besides Creatine monohydrate or Whey Isolate, you're a fucking tard, end of story. Price differences are usually just because of the name brand.