Wait... Is there anyplace actually like TW?

I to have been almost banned from several other non gaming forums because of my language and insults. Which is amusing because im not 'that' bad of a poster as far as upsetting people.

Oh well, this skins i guess.

I never really browsed forums before TW. So, when I ventured to other forums I quickly realized how debauched TW really is. I got banned pretty quickly from the first few for "insults and flaming". Stuff that wouldn't even phase anyone here causes an uproar on other forums. I think my first account at the ubuntu forums was banned for making a couple sarcastic comments towards someone giving bad information.
Genmay used to be funny when it was on the HardOpc forums, but it caused the server to crash so much, they let someone else take it over. Forum was good for a few years, but now it's dying. Too many one liner flame posts and no content. They had a big meeting in Vegas 2 years ago, and then the forum just died.

SA will ban you for anything, and then you have to pay $10 to get back on. They say no thread crapping, but I saw it all the time over there. And no, I won't let it go. Fuck them.
I used to feel that way but lately I've been kind of bored with TW :/

I also don't have a good comp or console for gaming... which were usually the threads I liked

Thats kind of how I feel.... Used to absolutely love this place, but lately it's just a bit boring.

I think it's the constant influx of Fngr threads that are mind numbing at this point.
Yep. My computer is basically just used for email, shopping, banking, and TW.

I wish I was still in to gaming so I can get more value from what I spend on computers, but I'm not.

Maybe I should actually buy a game and see where that goes since I haven't played anything since T2.

you should get team fortress 2. I see some TW people on there sometimes. Awesome game too, lots of fun.
there have been a couple of small forums i've been on in the past that were as good as tw. the problem was they never last and it's always been because of shitty mods catering to certain posters.

for example, i used to frequent a uk gaming site for a game i don't play (kind a like tribes) and only participated in the gd (kind a like here). there were only two mods, both vegan. free speech was honored and the site was active then they started with their vegan propaganda and the site started to die off. then they started banning people for "specist" remarks. i was banned for pointing out that valuing another animal's life over a human's is specist as well. in a month they went from about 40 active posters to about 5.
Sp!n, you giant butt fucking faggot who eats asshats with ketchup;

TeeDub has a collective character equal to 'Thug'. On other, more civilized forums, they are so polite, it makes me fucking nauseus.

In one of my other forums, all they do is make stupid puns. That fucking place is so dead, only one or two threads get a reply every day. On another one, just a few lame threads live for weeks on end.

THIS is where you go to see the REAL WORLD.
I have to be polite and shit in real life. I need to come here and be a shithead so I'm not outside the computer (I still am).
When people ask me why I keep this place up, half of the reason is because I think places like it SHOULD exist. When I just started using the Internet years ago, it didn't come with all the bullshit rounded corners that day-to-day life has where even the losers of little league games get trophies. It was a lawless frontier. Now, mainstream society has found the Internet and along with them they bring their armies of Lieutenant Hurt Feelings and soccer moms.

Fuck that.
I agree with Rayn

back in the 60s when the Director General of the BBC was asked what he'd do about offending people he said "There are some people you would wish to offend"

I want those days back.