Vista will be more secure

Robert Vamosi is an idiot who should be fired. He has no clue what he's talking about, ever. Honestly, he's a moron. You're not doing yourself a favour quoting any of his articles.

Ok so you feel hes an idiot. Thats your opinion which your entitled to.

However that doesn't change the data he points out in is his article. The points he makes are correct and true. If they are not then please let me know which ones are in error?
Security aside (I could care less about security), Vista is a piece of bloatware. MS fucked up big time spending 6 years building this heap of shit.

For the first time in 15 years, I'm actually considering a Mac as my next purchase.
all of sockpuppet's threads are bitching about this or wringing hands about that.

You need some anger management lessons or something. all you do is whine or bitch or complain or say we're all doomed. Stop and enjoy life for your own sake (and ours)
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all of sockpuppet's threads are bitching about this or wringing hands about that.

You need some anger management lessons or something. all you do is whine or bitch or complain or say we're all doomed. Stop and enjoy life for your own sake (and ours)

Most are news stories, the sad part is the news sucks in the world today.

That aside why would I come to TW and write about anything personal that was happing in my life at the moment, there would be 19324830948329234 fucktards who would hide behind their e-penises and shit all over it. TW is not Disneyland, a place of joy and happiness, its a place of jaded cynics, so it is not a place to talk about anything positive that matters in your life.
Vista is more secure, they've made it where super stupid people have a harder time fucking stuff up...... Social Engineering ya know.