[Verizon] Best phone?

i ahve the lg env touch, i love it, i only call ppl and text though, i dont think i'll want a data package on my phone because surfing the internet on a small thing is hard enough, i have an ipod touch and i used to use that to use the internet when i was in class at school and it was hard enough, i have really big hands so i always had trouble with accuracy, i'd rather just wait till i'm home to use my comptuer honestly, but i can't say that i wouldn't like an iphone someday, and i think you need a data package for that, but almost anything these days requires a data package, slowly EVERYTHING will except for a boring alternative which will force people to get a data package and sign away their child's tuition money p/mo. to have a sick phone, fuck verizon for their dictatorship and omnipotence.
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I have played with the droid and the droid eris. I wound up buying the eris for the following reasons:

* The droid is bulkier, heavier, and has squared edges compared to the eris, making it not fit well in a pocket.
* The keyboard on the droid is pretty much all suck. It's too flat to easily type on and it's offset by the big control pad on the right, forcing you to hold the thing awkwardly. essentially, the keyboard is so bad that I wound up using the touchscreen keyboard instead (which is actually very good)
* The sense UI in the eris makes for a generally more pleasurable experience.
* the camera took blurry pictures and took like 15 seconds to finish taking the picture before you could take another picture.

This isn't to say that the droid is a bad phone. I absolutely love the screen resolution and the processor is one of the fastest on the market. I just didn't like that it was so bulky and had a useless keyboard. If motorolla released a new droid that is smaller, had rounded edges, and just had the touchscreen and no keyboard, I'd probably be all over it. For now, I'm sticking with the eris though.

The Droid keyboard took me a week or twice to get the the hang of but now I am used to it and its fine
I have verizon and am up for a new phone soon also. No idea what to get.

Edit: just clicked the verizon ad on here and am looking at the Samsung Intensity. It looks really cool, does anyone have one?
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Post from a droid now. I have no problems with the keyboard, but it's definitly better than the touchscreen kb. The camera is not great, but it's functional and I didn't really have high expectations for a camera phone anyways. I should note that the video recording is excellent. As for shape and bulk, it fits in my pocket just fine and is smaller than my wallet.

Also, it's really easy to use. I'm post from a mall, standing up, right now.
The camera problems are the only problems I can relate to with my Droid. I wish it was better and I fully expect it will be improved with some software updates. Video is perfectly fine.

I don't find it bulky at all. It's a way easier fit in my pocket than any other phone I've had. The physical keyboard takes getting used to but there's nothing unusual about it. If you're used to any other qwerty kb on a phone, it'll be the same.
bb tour or storm 2 but droid is an excellent phone, def better for browsing until bb releases torch
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If you were an iphone user, i would suggest the droid.

- About the same size as an iphone
- Slid out keyboard is fine, takes awhile to adjust to
- If you hate it, use the on screen
- GPS is good (google nav is nice)

Love my phone
oh yeah, the navigation is really nice. plus, since you can run two apps at once, I can navigate + use Slacker. It has replaced two devices in my car.
I had an lg dare that I broke, it was a piece of shit anyways, looking to find an env touch somewhere for cheap since my upgrade isn't for another year :(
I have had verizon for a year, can I renew for another 2 years and still get the contract discount on the droid, or do I have to wait until my contract has completely run its course?
I got a Droid and I like it. One big thing though is that Verizon's changed its termination fee to $350 which sucks if you want to cancel it. Albeit Verizon's coverage is the best right now so I have no reason to switch.

There's rumors about the IPhone getting opened up in '10 and of the dragon/passion getting rolled out soon, but again those are rumors. Right now the Droid is a lot better then the Eris due Android 2.0 being on it but the Eris should be getting that update soon too.
The droid is way better then the Eris. The UI doesn't matter if you know how to root your phone and there are plenty of themes/mods out already.

edit: as far as the camera, just get snap photo pro. Well worth the couple bucks. Especially for the droid.
What exactly is wrong with the droid's camera? I used it on my brother's phone and it seemed pretty normal to me
I have verizon and am up for a new phone soon also. No idea what to get.

Edit: just clicked the verizon ad on here and am looking at the Samsung Intensity. It looks really cool, does anyone have one?

I upgraded from the intensity to the droid eris. The intensity is a decent phone if you like phone calls and texting only. The keyboard is nice and easy to use. The phone doesn't, however, have anything of any use beyond telephone calls and texting. There's a GPS receiver on the thing, but it uses some proprietary Verizon software that requires paying additional fees.

The one problem I had with it is that the unlock keys were placed so close together (push one key, then push another) that I would wind up unlocking the phone in my pants and dialing random numbers.